Wednesday, November 19

Good Word Wednesday!

If you're new in town, let me explain how Good Word Wednesday works.

On these most cheerful of days (half-way to the weekend!) take a moment to pause and ponder on what makes you happy. Something big, little, funny, serious, whatever.

Then pass it on for others to find joy in.

Lately I've been thinking about Thanksgiving. I really like the name of this holiday. Thanksgiving. Givingthanks. And that got me thinking about what a rad holiday this is and how it just doesn't get the play it deserves. Poor thing, sandwiched right in the middle of crazy and careless Halloween and the climax-of-the-year Christmas.

Thanksgiving is more than just a deadline date to have our Christmas shopping done. This little 'ol holiday doesn't ask anything of us. Candy consumption is down to a minimum. No presents to buy. All that Thanksgiving asks is that we enjoy the company of family and friends and eat our hearts out. And maybe in the process the thought will cross our minds to be thankful for all that we have been blessed with. What better timing to recall all our blessings than at the end of the year? We have had eleven wonderful months packed with silver linings and random acts of kindness.

On this one-week-before-Thanksgiving-Eve I am just feeling full of thanks.

Today I am feeling especially thankful for my healthy family (knock on wood).

Last night on the news - and I never watch the news - I saw this story about a lady who was told she had a brain tumor. She went to have it removed and it turned out that it was not a tumor - but a worm! Ah! In her brain! Ah! I had a mini-sized panic attack and had to immediately wash my hands. She got it from eating undercooked pork. She is a beautiful Christian woman who said that her health was because of answered prayers and now she doesn't take a single day for granted. When her kids ask for her, she no longer says "Just a minute" but now says "I'm on my way".
I love that. I'm on my way.

What are you thankful for?


  1. I saw that on the news last night too. And it also made me think, dont tell your kids "just a minute". Instead, savor every minute.

  2. that is so gross.
    so my good news is that today i am going to get fitted so that my wedding dress can be started! yay!

    i am glad you don't have a worm in your head molly.

  3. i was struggling for my good word... and then i checked the mailbox :)

    my good word today is a surprise package from my MOMMY!! :)

    and i, too, think Thanksgiving is a splendid holiday... in fact... i am thinking about making it my favorite.

  4. Ummmm...I didn't get the memo that Thanksgiving was the deadline for Christmas shopping. I feel a panic attack coming... ;) I saw you jogging yesterday, dang, woman you look great! :) So, I guess I am grateful for the good example you set of being healthy (but meanwhile I'll keep eating these Doritos. I swear, I don't know how they got there....).

  5. I totally agree about your thoughts on Thanksgiving. It has always been my favorite holiday, but not many people share my passion for it! I also love that Bricklyn's bday is always the week of Thanksgiving...more to be thankful for! What' not to like about a holiday without candy or presents or "Hooplah", just family, good food and blessings!
