Friday, August 14

Flashback Friday

We all needed a break. So last Saturday we packed up the car with books, blankets and travel snacks. We headed north to find a shady spot to have a picnic and maybe a creek to fish for crawdads and anything else that could be found. Our two motion-sick prone kids all medded up on Dramamine dozed softly in the back seat and I read another Louis L'Amour to Olen as we cruised passed the cacti and into the pines.
With such pleasant weather and no schedules to keep we were able to roll up our pants and relax. London grew quite a collection of fallen leaves and random rocks that caught her fancy.
Olen will share his passion for fishing with any willing student, luckily our kids love to be taught. He fashioned a London-sized fishing pole out of a limber twig to teach her how to catch the biggest crawdads. With a piece of bacon tied to the end of the line and some patience, you really can't miss.
Porter preferred the trap method. He would dangle the bacon in the water and let the crawdads latch on and then pull them all up at once.
His patience always paid off.
Me? I was content to just watch. Once while on a pioneer trek in Virginia, I rested beside the tall grass on the trail and that night discovered I had picked up a hitch-hiker deer tick on my right upper arm. (Jenn, do you remember this?) Ever since then I am leery about laying in any grass so I kept checking for creepy crawlies. Olen said he'd check me for ticks when we got home, but somehow that really didn't put my mind at ease. That cheeky boy.
Of course Olen threw in a line. Here's his best catch of the day, but he seemed okay with it.

We drove home tired, dirty and smelling like creek water and bacon, but ready to say good-bye to the summer break and hello to the new school year.


  1. Gosh, I wish I knew about the whole bacon and crawdad thing that would have made catching them a whole heck of a lot easier when I was a kid!

  2. I will second what Katie said, who knew about bacon?! Genius! Looks like such a lovely idea. I need to stop and smell the roses...or catch the crawdads soon. You guys are so cool. And I totally remember that about trek. I get freaked out about creepy crawlies and I've never even had that happen to me! (I also remember the dog turning from his vomit scripture...good times lol!)

  3. Wow, how many meals did you get out of that fish?

  4. Sorry about the name, I'm not your Dad, and usually don't comment on any blogs but our little fam, but I really love you gusy.

  5. What a fun day! Bacon, wow I never would have thought of that. Have you heard the Bard Paisley song about wanting to check a girl for ticks? So funny

  6. Yes...we're big Brad Paisley fans... :)

  7. Looks like you guys had a great time! We still need to hang out! We fell off the face of blogging for a while (read mine to find out why!) but thing are better now, so come on over!! :)

  8. I finally got caught up on your blog....and how fun it was! I got to see Wicked with a friend and her daughter a while back and I LOVED it!! I'm so glad you got to go too. So - are those boxes unpacked yet? The get away to the stream looks so fun and refreshing. I'd forgotten about the tick incindent! This year they did the trek up in Pennsylvania instead of Virginia...and it rained most of the time!
