Wednesday, August 5

Good Word(y) Wednesday - Half the space, twice the breathing room.

The good people at Qwest won't be able to hook us up to the www till next week, so I'll be on a little mandatory hiatus till then (except for the times like today that I'll sneak over to Mamasita Bonita's casa and borrow her www). It's good though because I'll be forced to face my house-o-clutter all week and hopefully get it declutterized. Our new house is on this side of vintage, so I hope that we have all the right connection places to get me back and running even. Oh well, I'll think about that next week.

Since today is Wednesday, you know I have to share a good word. It's a habit now, folks, but I'll take a break from my "Be" lookings and just babble about what's going on in our little family's world for now.

We've just moved from a six-bedroom, four-bathroom house to three-bedrooms and two-baths. We had three storage units packed floor to ceiling while we were twiddling our thumbs and watching houses fall out of our reach or snatched off the market. Now that everything has been delivered and unloaded to our new house it is my duty to find space for it all. So much has either been sold (my darling Craigslist, I love you) or given away. I love seeing it go, because it just doesn't matter anymore. It's just stuff, and the best things in life are not stuff.

So why the drastic downsize? Yeah, sure, there were bigger houses and we looked at them all, but this house just felt really right, ya know. Our family has decided to take a 360 in life and simply slow the roll. I was talking to my good friend last month, who also happens to be my aunt, about how lucky Olen and I feel to have been able to sell our oversized house and how ready we are to embrace the simple life. Our priorities were on track, but a little fuzzy and out of focus. Then I was sharing my new motto for the year, "Simplify", with my best long-distance BFF (Happy Birthday!) and how at peace my life is now. It's a little bit like squeezing out of the crowds and away from the circus and finally being able to breath. It's the best.

Our kids are loving the change, too. Like I've mentioned, Porter gets to go to the same school as my little sister, Auntie Aubrey, his best friend in the whole wide world. London loves the new house, but I think we're one move away from totally blowing her mind. Listen to this; when she's really mad at me because I've had to discipline her or she's been caught doing something she shouldn't, she'll say to me, "Sometimes YOU poop in your panties!" and runs away. The first time this happened I just stood stunned to silence - how do I respond to this, "No I don't - you do!" Pointless. It's a good thing she ran away because I had to sit down with my head in my hands and laugh. And laugh and laugh. Mamasita always said I'd get one like me her, so I bet she's laughing, too. Well, how's that for off track? Back to today's story now.

I have magically found places for almost everything thanks to large rooms with spacious closets. Now I'm at the "Should I hang this here, or here?" stage; my favorite of all these many stages. I'll have pictures to brag on document soon I hope, but right now it would be like seeing the bride before the wedding.
Have a simply splendid week!


  1. Why the Frick would you get QWEST!?! Stay away from them!! THEY ARE EVIL, Call COX! I am not a spokesperson for cox just someone who knows from experience! I'm going to stop there but I have a million more reasons for you not to use qwest, if you need to I'll sit down with you and show you the folder and doodles from HOURS on the phone with those no good people!!!

    Whew... I think the demon left!

    Congrats on the house, it looked super hecka awesome when I saw it on Saturday!

  2. Good for you. It is so easy to get caught up in wanting bigger and bigger and more.. but you will never be happy that way.
    good luck unpacking.

  3. I love your decision to simplify!! I need to be better too. Can't wait to see pictures of your home!

  4. And the best part is that you're a minute away! And London will be in our nursery class!

    Ps I forgot we won't be at church on Sunday! We are leaving for out of town in a few hours till Monday! I'm so bummed! I was looking forward to church!

  5. I can't wait to see your little nest that I'm sure will be so cozy and lovely, just like everything you touch. :) I'm jealous that you are to the hanging pictures part! But it's a good kinda jealous. The kind that will kick my tush into gear once I get my carpet installed. p.s. I laughed so hard when I read what London said. I even read it to John and he had a good laugh. I know that is soooo going to be us in a few months! lol
