Wednesday, August 19

Good Word Wednesday

The Top Ten Reasons I'm Love'n Our New House (in no order):

I can clean my house in one day! This is good news, people. It used to take me at least two days in the last one. And are you digging my fancy gloves? Of course you are. They were a gift from my sister Darcy who is a genius at making functional things fancy.

All the quirky charms. This window by our front door is super cool. It distorts the colors from the yard and each little circle shines that color back into our house. Very groovy.

This jr. high school track is only three blocks away from our house, and what's better is it's a dirt track! I was wondering where I could make a new route once I can run again, (which is 56 days, give or take a week) and voila! here it is.

Built-in storage spots. These shelves give me more room to stash all our junk things we like.

No stairs! Just hallways and rooms and doors.
Wondering what that first little cupboard is on the right? It's #6, scroll down.

This is an easy access cupboard to the can goods we store in the pantry. Isn't it great?! Porter thinks it's pretty much the coolest thing in the world to have a secret cupboard in to the pantry and London plays grocery store with her stuffed animals from here. I told you this house has its quirky charms.

My neighbors! I have a brother and three sisters that live only one mile away. After living 40 minutes away (I know that's not as far as some of you live from family, but still) it is such a blast to just call and ask to borrow some duct tape and then zip down and pick it up in two minutes. You know I'm big on family and come from a big family so this is so rad.

Big closets. I was able to fit our entire toy room into Porter's closet. He now has the best room in the house.

The girls' room. Yeah, I still have projects in mind for this room and there's really no "wow" factor just yet, but it's the name of the room that I'm in love with. The Girls' Room. Not just London's room anymore, but plural. Girls. It's a big deal and I get choked up if I think about it too long.
The view. I took this picture last night by walking five steps off my drive way. Don't recognize what building that is? Well, this is a side view, for the front view scroll down.

So now if you ever need a place to park around Easter or Christmas time, I'm your gal. Our entrepreneur son already has grand ideas of selling hot cocoa on the sidewalk in front of our house to all the people on their way to see the Christmas lights, so when you come bring your quarters.


  1. Yay for your new house! Everything looks great! And I love you living so close also! Especially when you bring me late night treats! Thanks again for the cookies!

  2. That is a BIG closet if it can fit that huge IKEA shelf and still have all that room. Sheesh! Looovvve IT!

  3. Wow. You do have it good. Who knew you were so close to the Temple? That's awesome.

  4. Congratulations! It looks awesome. I'm glad you like it :)

  5. Oh, if we still lived in Mesa I would definitely buy some from him.
    And I LOVE that secret can door, that is just fun

  6. We totally know where you live! Jaron's Aunt & Uncle are probably in your ward. Their driveway is that sideways view! We'll bring our quarters when we're in for Christmas lights!!

  7. I love your ten things especially your view and the cool little retro details to your house! Plus your girls room is adorable :)

  8. It so neat that you guys live so close to the temple. You sound so happy, that's great! What a blessing you guys have been given with your new home.
