Monday, December 1

Is it finally Monday yet? I've totally lost track because it feels like we just had three Saturdays with a Sunday thrown in.

We left for Heber, AZ on Wednesday afternoon to spend the weekend with our northern branch of the Reynolds Family tree. We didn't get any snow that stuck, but it was still great, cold fun.

Valerie and I went out Thanksgiving morning just like we planned for our 10K Turkey Trot. It was under forty degrees and raining. (Aren't we troopers?) About half-way into our run the rain turned into snow and it was the most peaceful atmosphere ever. Just breath taking.

I spent most of the day in the kitchen with Val and Arlyce (ma-in-law) preparing the feast. It was well worth it. Good thing I brought my stretchy pants.

Porter caused mischief with his cousin Clancy while London and Seneca hugged and danced around the house all day. Olen was the landing pad for any baby that needed a snuggle or any kid that needed wrangling.

By the time the table was set the house was full of family, delicious foods and thankful hearts.

We stayed a couple days more so that Olen could go "help" his parents on his mom's bull elk hunt. She harvested her elk the very first day and Olen was glad to be there to help his mom on her very first big game hunt. My lambs and I got to be lazy in our jams all day with our cousins and Val. And eat more pumpkin pie and turkey sandwiches, of course.

Our plan was to come home Saturday and chop down a Christmas tree on the way (yes, we have permits); but we wouldn't have had enough time to really pick out the perfect one, so we decided we'll just have to make another day trip out of that.
Another wonderful Thanksgivig for the memory books.

(Yes. London's drinking a bottle. She really is happily broke of the "bobbie"; it's just that she saw her little one-year-old cousin get a bottle and she had been feeling sick all day so I caved. She hasn't asked for one since. )

Okay, so your Thanksgiving was fabulous. I want to know about your worst Thanksgiving ever!
Dish, honey, you know they can't all be winners.


  1. Awesome recap. I love the picture of London giving hugs. And the turkey looks yummy!

  2. Looks like lots of fun! Are you feeling better? We sure love going to Heber too.

  3. My worst is too sad to be funny! lol Looks like fun. Love the dancing two year olds!

  4. My worst thanksgiving ever:

    I was sick all week, but I rested all day Wednesday so i could get better for Thanksgiving day. So, my planned worked and i was feeling a little better when it wa stime to feast. But all i wanted to eat was Ham. (i don't know why?)
    That night i was feeling sick again and in the middle of the night i threw up everywhere!!!!
    i was on the top bunk and Darcy was on the bottom. So when i leaned over the edge to spew, all darcy saw was a waterfall of ham throwup.

    My dad (being the trooper he is) cleaned it up and the next morning asked if i like ham alot.

    true story.

    The End.

  5. My worst Thanksgiving was being sick, too. Except I didn't eat anything. Especially not ham.

    Too bad my in-laws are pretty awesome, because in-law stories are the best.

  6. Heres one for you. We were having an early Thanksgiving dinner with the in laws cause everyone was going to different places and my ma in law's sister was in town. Well long story short my sis in law (who will remain nameless) and I got into a fight. She was running after Jacob because he asked her to help set the table and then bit his hand. So she was running after him and almost stepped on my little 9 mo. old Quinn. So I get in between her and Jacob and then she pushed me. So I pushed her back and I yelled at her.

    Just wait till we are sharing Christmas Day memories, I have another great one.
