Friday, December 5

Flashback Friday

Last year Olen and I took our kids and my two youngest sisters, Aubrey and Olivia, to ride the Polar Express. You have to get your tickets early. Like June. But it is so worth it. We told them that we were taking a day trip to the Grand Canyon. Then surprised them by pulling up to the Grand Canyon Railway station and boarded the huffing and puffing train dressed in their jams. Slippers, robes and all.

We drank hot cocoa and ate cookies while the story of The Polar Express was read and the train chugged along. The Conductor came in our car to announce that we would shortly be arriving at the North Pole and may get a visit from a jolly elf. Santa came aboard after singing a few holiday carols and gave each child a large bell. I keep Porter's and London's bells safe in my sock drawer tied with a red silk ribbon. I hear them jingle every time I open it.

London and Aubrey.
(Well, if my daughter doesn't look like me; she at least looks like my side of the family. Right?)

So excited to climb aboard. And a little chilly.

Olivia helps London see the pictures. Such friendly crew.

Porter and Aubrey hear their bells ring.

This is absolutely my most favorite time of the year. So, the budget's a little leaner than in the past, but really that's made things even more special. We celebrate Christ's birth and feel the Spirit of the Season more sincerely.

Service. Family. Love. Giving. Friends. Tradition. Sacrifice. Meaning.

P.S. We're cutting down our tree tomorrow! I am sooo excited. Even if it turns out to be a Charlie Brown twig, I love getting our very own tree. Or twig.


  1. Wow, I didn't even know there was such a thing as a train that did the polar express. That is SO cool! I agree, the memories that you create are the things that make Christmas magical for kids (and adults), not the money spent. Thanks for the lovely reminder. Now I need to go and drink some hot cocoa in your honor.

  2. I remember you doing that last yeat but I didn't know that it was the cool! And that is sooo weird how La La looks like Aubrey.

  3. We always talk about taking the kidlets up for this, but lo and behold we always forget to buy the tickets early enough.
