Friday, December 12

Flashback Friday

A big thanks! for sharing your family traditions with me. I love them!

We finally got the new lights and decorated our Christmas tree last night. It made me remember when we lived in Flagstaff and my family came for Thanksgiving and we went the next day to chop down our Christmas trees. That was my most favorite year. That was the year Porter turned one. Next week he'll be seven...and I think I'll do more remembering about that next week...

Where was I? Oh, right. Remembering. Well as we were all hanging the decorations I made seven years ago, and still use today, I was thinking how quickly the time flies. Seriously, is this year almost over?! I was watching Porter be so helpful and careful as he would hang a bulb and then stand back to see if it was in just the right spot. London, (in her princess dress she's been wearing over her clothes all week) still in her curious phase (she's got a new nickname, btw, George. As in the monkey.) taking off the bulb that Porter just hung to look it over and then try to hang it just like her Poe. I stepped back and watched my little family and thought how all of this will just be another deposit in the memory bank. That's why you gotta make those memories count.

Another memory came from our last Christmas in Flagstaff; it was the last month Porter had his green eyes. Then I needed to pull out his photo album and see them again. Aren't they beautiful. His eyes are brown, now. And still beautiful.

Making Memories Count...

While paused, trying once again to record every detail in my mind, I heard the words to the song we had playing. Judy Garland.
"Through the years we all will be together, if the fates allow; hang a shining star upon the highest bough. And have yourself a merry little Christmas, now."


  1. So my flash back for you.... Wednesday I drove by blockbuster on brown! I was laughing so hard remembering how you convinced me be to pretend I was blind in a video store! oh we are such nerds!!Just one of the many adventures of Joan and Marge.

  2. first off, you are so good to remember and captures important moments and enjoy them now :) i hope i can be like that more!
    second off, love the tree- and i love how your sweet London cant resist a princess dress! watch out world- here she comes!
    and third of all, what a great line from a great song... it always reminds me of brooke white because she sang it in Meet me in St Louis at Heritage...
    and i am proud to announce that Jeff reminded me this year that the star goes on LAST. which i had completely forgotten. its like my favorite thing, when my dad used to let me put the star on last... and lift me high over his head to place it on the tree. *sigh* Christmas!

  3. I wish you lived in Flagstaff again, only so I could come and visit you up there. That Thanksgiving up there was my absolute favorite as well!

  4. good question... i think you click "follow this blog" by the pictures of those that are following... but im not quite sure... good luck!

  5. Wow, how's this for sentimental, you almost made me cry with that last picture and the Judy Garland song. Her version of that song is definitely the best (love that movie). I love how you write about your family, and I feel the same way. Sometimes I just stand there and try to memorize the moments because they seem so perfect in that instant. I like how you said it, memories in the bank account--you gotta make them count. Love ya.

  6. What sweet pictures. There are only a few years with our kids at home and the 'magic' of Christmas. I will be so sad when those years are over.

  7. Oh what sweet kids!! You definately need to come over and show me how to make my blog cute like yours! You rock!!
