Sunday, December 21

Well, gang, it's official. No. It was actually official on night one. We have the most amazingly generous Secret Santa in all of Secret Santa History.

Yes. I know what you're thinking. Anyone who can dedicate twelve consecutive nights to purchase and assemble gifts accompanied with clever sayings and make the delivery undiscovered is pretty spanking awesome. And you are totally correct, my friend. But, seriously. Our front porch has been the drop spot for some pretty rad (and I mean rad!) gifts these past eight nights; but I can't even begin to describe the gift of love and care and thoughtfulness that they have brought into our home. Porter can hardly lay his head down at night because he tries so hard to stay awake and be the first to open the door when the bell rings (Oh! If only I could record him jumping out of bed and thundering down the hall to the front door!). In our family prayers, around night three, Porter blessed the Secret Santa not to forget about us and prayed that their sled would work right for them. This unknown giver has shown my family love and brought such a feeling of hope and excitement at the end of every day.

So. Remember how I wanted to do something Christmas-themed the last twelve days before Christmas to help my family feel the Christmas spirit and draw closer to Christ? Well, I've been taught that there's a better way. We've been reading a Christmas story or two every night before we tuck the kids in bed, and just about every story is about giving to others or preforming service for those in need. This year, our family is the one being given to and the receiver of unselfish service. President Monson said it best here: "If we are to have the very best Christmas ever, we must listen for the sound of sandaled feet. We must reach out for the Carpenter's hand. With every step we take in His footsteps, we abandon a doubt and gain a truth."

Our S.S. has given me a gift that didn't appear on my doorstep. They have taught me the best way to feel the Christmas spirit and draw closer to Christ. It is through service, sacrifice and giving that we can truly feel the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, in our heart and in our family. This is how we can have that Christmas spirit in our homes all year long.

I wish I could repay our giver. Or at least tell them how much they mean to me. How much joy they bring to our family; not only by the wonderful surprises they leave, but just knowing that someone was inspired to think of us. To think that the Reynolds family might need a little extra Christmas cheer this year. And then they actually bring it. Straight to our front door.
How do I show our appreciation without spoiling the magic of the secret? The only way I can think of is to become a giver, also. To continue the chain of service. I want to be that messenger of such Christmas cheer into a family's home next year. Not for glory. But because I want others to know the joy and love and hope and happiness that my family has known because of our Giver this year.
To be able to give, and only receive the knowledge that others feel the love of Christ in their home and hearts, would be all that I could ask for.
On night four (?), maybe it was five, a Gingerbread House kit was given.
We had so much fun creating the sugary structure. It wasn't so much the house itself that this gift created; but also time spent together laughing and eating and getting super sticky and just being really, really happy. Olen documented the occasion and I helped with the initial framing. After that, the kids did the rest. Mostly Porter. London is my Sweet Baby and just kept eating our building materials.

It turned out perfectly. You certainly can't say it lacks character. It even has a "muscleman-snowman" on top. Just in case the neighbors get out of hand. It is a neighborhood made up of candy houses, ya know. Things are bound to get rowdy. Or so the story goes according to Porter.


  1. You guys are so lucky to have a secret santa! I remember when we had a S.S. when we were younger, it made the holiday so much more memorable.

    p.s. cute apron! who made it?! haha

  2. That snowman on top is the absolute best part of that whole gingerbread house! You make me laugh! I love that the candy town is bound to get rowdy, cause we all know that's true! Secret Santa-ing, what a great idea. I think I'll take the S.S. challenge for Christmas next year too. I just seem to forget about all of these great ideas when the time rolls around!

  3. I love all the pictures! what great memories you get to create this year!I would love to play as soon as possible! She is on a schedule now so life is pretty easy. Let me know what works for you! And just in case I forget to tell you before the actual day.....MERRY CHRISTMAS! I love and am glad to have you as one of my treasured friend.xoxox

  4. i am so glad that your secret santa is so awesome! i am so jealous.
    and ps. i got your card- WAY CUTE :) thanks a million...
    and um i adore your gingerbread house. love love love it. and i love that it was a group effort... so fun!
