Wednesday, December 31

It's the end of the year as we know it. And I feel fine.

Welcome to the last day of the year. I was first thinking about how perfectly glad I am that 2008 is over (Ding-dong-the-witch-is-dead-style) but then I decided to change my paradigm and think about the beautiful things of 2008. Kind of like at a funeral and you didn’t really like the guy, but you feel you should say something nice about him anyways. Who am I to speak ill of a dead, or mostly dead year?

And thus, the premise of the very last
Good Word Wednesday of 2008:
What Made Life Beautiful In 2008

So what made your 2008 a beauty? Let’s say one more nice thing and throw a rose on the casket, shall we? Then turn our faces square into the sunny morning of 2009 because I just know it is going to be one freak awesome year.

Well, friends, tonight I fully intend to live it up. End 2008 with a bang. Martinelli’s, shrimp cocktail and 2009 here I come…See you all next year.


  1. I think I feel the same way about 2008 as you do Molly. It was full of moving and stressful days, but I have grown so much and learned so much about myself. I like to think of 2008 as my growing up year.
    I learned how to live far away from five of my bestest friends
    (My Marmee, Molly, Chels, Darc, Beth and Katie).
    I learned how to make a lot of homemade foods!
    I learned how to rely on the Lord more.
    I learned that I am stronger then I would have ever thought.
    I learned that I have the best husband, who will sit and listen to me when I am happy, sad, mad or feeling any kind of emotion.
    I learned how to be a better mommy.
    I learned how to be more outgoing and to make friends in new places (now I am not scared to talk to anyone! That for you mom!)
    Thanks 2008 for teaching me so much!

  2. Yeah I won't be sad to see 2008 go. It wasn't the worst year, but it didn't live up to the hype at the beginning of the year.
    Here's to a wonderful 2009!

  3. This was a bad year for us as well. I'm praying for a wonderful 2009!

  4. wow- way to be optimistic about your year... thanks for the picture recap!
    perhaps i should look back and count my blessings of the year.

    and i shall tell you ONE of them...
    getting back into the swing of blogging and re-addicting myself to YOUR blog :)

    i too, intend to bring in the year with some martinelli, yo.

  5. Yeah just 11 hours and 45 mins. hahaha....Well I am not going to blogg much here since I did on mine...But I wanted to say, " Happy New Year Molly. Hope 2009 is great for you and your family. It was really nice to meet and work w/ you in 2008 and look forward to 2009."

  6. I actually enjoyed 2008. I Lost over 40 pounds and it has been 1 year since my family was sealed together for time and all eternity.

  7. What a great way to summarize your year. I love the positive spin you have on it and the fun moments you highlighted. Hope 2009 is as wonderful!
