Wednesday, March 25

Good Word Wednesday!

Yesterday I got some good news from mi hermana Bethany:

So, why does Beth think that I would want to know, you may ask? No. It's not because I love Yo Gabba Gabba. I just get sucked into that show because it's so out there it messes with your brain and you keep watching to figure out if it's for real or what and then you just can't look away. And London tries to do the Dancey-Dances and I love that she tries. I've been watching a lot of TV lately...
 It's because I have a slight little gigantic humongous crush on Jack Black. I think I may have mentioned it before. But it's cool; Olen knows all about it. See, we have this rule. We can each have one Hollywood crush. Jack Black belongs to me. Selma Hayek is Olen's.

First I admitted my crush on Jack and then he told me "Really? Then I have a crush on Selma Hayek." What the what?! I was surprised. Not because she isn't totally smoking hot (cuz let's face it, she is, plus she's awesome funny on 30Rock), but because I didn't know he had a thing for the Latin Ladies. I thought he'd say Faith Hill or someone more mellow like that. 

Now let's have a fun time. Let's dish about YOUR Hollywood crush!
C'mon who ya jones'n for in Tinsel Town? Before Jack came into my life I loved Johnny Depp, well I still do. How could you not? But still. Jack.

So...who is it?


  1. Mine? Adam Sandler... hands down. Good thing Eric looks like him! :)

    Lately, I have been crushing on Jimmy Fallon too... goofy guys, I guess.

  2. Well first off i'm flattered my text made it to the molly blog! and second off, you should watch some of the videos of yo gabba gabba w/ jack black! even if you DON'T like jack black you will laugh!

    my crush.... well it used be be Jake Gyllenhaal but then he was in brokeback homosexual mountain so he got demoted. Andy Samberg is a little goofy lookin sometimes- but he would be pretty fun to hang out with!

  3. Ohhh... that is funny about Selma!

    I have been asking Chris FOREVER who his is and he won't tell me. It's probably some zombie chick or Trinity from Matrix. I know it's not princess Leah because I have offered to do the whole dress up thing and he declined. (TMI?)

    Mine... it's a long list. Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing who is actually Chris in character land) Mark Ruffalo (from 13 going on 30)and my ultimate favorite Christian Bale. {sigh!}

  4. Ladies, all your crushes are perfect fits for you! Well, I dunno about Andy...really, Beth? Katie I'm surprised Chris passed up the chance to play Han Solo. Love Christian Bale!

  5. christian bale, hands-down, no competition. even despite that tiny little fits-of-rage thing he does. :) yum!

  6. When I was little it was David Bowie from Labrynth...scary I know. He wears more makeup than I do.
    The last crush I had was on Henry Cavell from Count of Monte Cristo although he might be a tad younger than me. It's all good:)

  7. I completely "HEART" Rob are probably too young to know who he is;) My room as a Teen was plastered with his posters....he is still a hottie!! RAWR;) tee hee haha

  8. Colin Firth. As Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice...oh my.

  9. Besides the love of Johnny Depp and Sean Connery. My #1 all time rip my clothes off, in my mind lover is GAVIN ROSSDALE ! So yummy!!!

    Molly Remeber how we grabbed him at the concert we went to ? Pretty much one of THE BEST moments of my life. I remind david that I touched his hair all the time!! oh the naughty things I would do!

  10. Oh Gavin...I didn't wash that shirt ever again because it had his sweat on it from when he ran into me trying to get back on still my beating heart.

    Leanna, I know Rob Lowe! He's very yummy. Now AND then. Same with Sean Connery. When you've got it, you've got it. And who doesn't love Mr. Darcy. Except not so much in Mamma Mia(?!) but Colin in everything else is one major dream boat.

  11. Beth, I totally agree on Andy Samburg! He is so goofy looking but I love him. But my true crush would have to be... Paul Newmen. Back in the day Paul Newman. Gotta love the vintage!

  12. What? Andy again? I guess I'm not getting enonough SNL in my life to appreciate. But Pual Newman. Good choice. How about Steve McQueen while we're at it? Those were real men.
    Missy, David Bowie was a little creepy in that movie, but that may have been part of his charm. ;)

  13. So glad you found me! I haven't checked in on you for a while so I'm glad for the reminder - your posts are always so fun!

    I'm not sure on my hollywood guy. I always do LOVE Matthew McConaughey in all his flicks. Maybe it's the accent too. Not so sure about him in real life though.

  14. I love so many celebrities.

    Matthew Fox, Zac Efron, Robert Pattinson. Gah!

  15. Mine is Wentworth Miller in Prison Break. He makes my heart beat a little faster!tehe What a hottie!

  16. Mine used to be Heath Ledger, and I guess still kinda is. But I also have a thing for Hugh Jackman!!! SO TALENTED!
