Wednesday, March 4

If you are joining us for the first time, here on Good Word Wednesday, I'll explain what you're looking at.

I thought up Good Word Wednesday after receiving council to Find Joy in the Journey this past October. I thought, "Gee. We have so much joy that goes unaccounted for, I think I'll dedicate one day a week to document the good stuff we pass up."

And thus my own little concoction of Good Word Wednesday was born.

Well, folks, this is some pretty awesome, amazing and practically a miracle, good word worthy stuff today. What a great day to be alive and blogging.


I know, right?! I hardly believed it myself - I took two tests! The other line never really showed up, but that one line that matters is very clear.

We found out the good news last week but were trying to keep it on the D.L. until my Dr.'s appointment in two weeks because of my history with miscarrying (having to tell people "Never mind" is such a drag and I've done it more than I ever want to) but I can't keep it a secret any freaking longer. I'm about to burst, people! I am a very good other-people-secret-keeper, but evidently not a good one for myself. Plus I already had to pull out my bigger jeans from the back of my closet. Do you side with Olen? Is it just in my head, or am I already starting to get that tell-tale baby bump? I swear I am. And I'm not about to try and suck in my tummy for church or any other time that I can't wear my stretchy pants. So if you ever wonder if I look fat, I probably do. But it's not all me, ok.

Also, I wanted to let my clients (Nash's and Reynolds) know why I may have my cell phone off and am taking a nap for the third time today. I'm not avoiding you. I don't feel so bad yet, but I never really do. I'm just tired all day and then can't sleep all night. It's a very nocturnal nine months.

I want to thank you for your prayers or just general good vibes in my direction. Keep sending them, ok. I really don't want to have a post titled "Never mind".

But I'm not worried, I know that prayer works. I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father that knows us and wants us to be happy. And a little Clomid doesn't hurt, either.

So yay !

Just kidding. No. Not really. Today is a very good day for compliments.



  1. Yay!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!


  2. CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS MiSs MoLlY!!! Oh and the rest of the family too!

    When I saw your post yesterday I was hoping this was the go take a nap!

  3. I'm so Excited for you!!!!!! I actually may be joining you very soon! I showed up right away with my second and by the time I was 7 months along I looked like I was ready to deliver twins, so I know you can show early on. So are you going to still try and do "Joseph"?

  4. Congrats! Thats AWESOME!!!!!

  5. Molly that is awesome! I am so happy all your "hard work" finally paid off...hehe :p I am so so happy for you!!

  6. Congrats Molly! This is so exciting. Sending good vibes your way.

    I love you!

    XO - Camille

  7. I knew it I knew it I knew it!!! I'm so so so happy for you (so happy that I can't keep the repetition to myself!) nor the exclamation points! I'm so happy for you. Sending lots of good vibes your way! Love ya!

  8. Wow so happy for you! This is so awesome! yeah for clomid!

  9. Yay!! Congrats Molly! I am so excited for you!

  10. OH YEAH!!!! That is SUPER exciting...CONGRATS:)

  11. Here's wishing you a happy, healthy and un-eventful 9 months! You deserve it. Super Congrats to you and Olen! :)

  12. zippidee doo dah!!!!!!!!

    oh molly darling... how joyful this good word wednesday is!

    congrats a million times over.

  13. YEA FOR YOU AND OLEN! I'm glad you're joining us in the three kids club! It's totally rad.

  14. What wonderful news!!! It is spring, you know... the season for it! You are an amazing mother of two and you'll be an even more amazing mother of three! Congratulations to the whole family... (I just can't believe you ran that race pregnant! Now you are REALLY my hero!)

  15. twins twins twins twins twins twins twins twins....

    im sending you good vibes.

  16. Congratulations, that is so awesome!! Yay, our babies will be close to the same age!!!

  17. Congratulations Molly & Family! Good luck with the napping and night time sleeping!

  18. CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy for your family. I know you have wanted this for a while. I hope it continued to go well. We are so happy to get to see another cute Reynolds baby!
