Wednesday, April 22

Eight years. Those are my good words and that's also how long I've been a married woman. Unavailable. Taken. Off the market. Wild, huh? It sure doesn't feel like eight years, but then I think back on all the places we've been, all the houses we've lived in, the different cities and the new friends that weren't just mine or his, but ours, the two kids (and the one on the way), the new jobs, the new cars and then it really does feel like it's been eight years.

This anniversary fell on Monday. Some of you true believers remembered and totally made my day! Thanks so much. But it was just a Monday and the weekend before was booked solid with working and seeing my little (BIG) brother in his school play, Fiddler on the Roof. I love revisiting my old high school stomping grounds and cheering on the new class. They majorly rocked the house; but they're Heroes, so what do you expect. Check out our noses. If I ever get a nose job I think my family wouldn't know who I was. It's a trademark worth keeping.So like I was saying, it was just a Monday. And I had a prenatal check up in the afternoon, so what can I do with that kind of day? Well, we dropped the kids off with Mamasita Bonita and the gang and they went straight for the swimming pool. What's up with 162 degrees already?! And Olen and I escaped on our day off. We went to the appointment, very steady heartbeat and all is well. Then we went out to lunch, most awesome chicken quesadilla with extra guacamole, hold the sour cream. Then Olen ever so happily agreed to accompany me to see 17 Again. It was awesome and I think Olen laughed more than I did. I was too busy looking at those baby blues on Zac, what can I say? I love me some baby blues. Then I agreed to go see the "guy" movie, Fast and Furious, (cars+fast+cars=Olen's kind of movie) but it already started fifteen minutes ago. So sad. So we went to another "thinker" kind of movie, State of Play, and I asked Olen questions the whole way through, ("Wait. Who was that?", "Was that the same guy?", "How did she know that?"). It was great and it really had me thinking, so mission accomplished.
And that's how we passed away the eighth year. Or entered the ninth. Either way, we're there.

Hey! Did you think I forgot?! Never.
It's Good Word Wednesday ya'll!
I've got a question for you. It's the topic of today's Good Word discussion.
What was your best or worst anniversary? or
What is your dream anniversary?

For our honeymoon we went on a cruise to the Bahama Islands for a week. It was beyond rad. We always recommend this destination to any engaged couple. So for our tenth-year anniversary we've been making plans to go back aboard and take a cruise to Alaska sans kids. This is my dream anniversary. Good thing we've got two years to save up for it. So until then I am perfectly happy escaping to the movies for the day and eating chicken quesadillas with my man.

Here's to eight more and many more years of awesomeness.


  1. My worst anniversary? Easy our tenth. We had a vacation to Hawaii booked, the baby-sitter for the then 4 kiddos was here and I ended up in the hospital having an appendectomy..that ended with a cancer diagnosis.

    We still haven't been able to plan another vacation to Hawaii.

  2. Happy Anniversary:) I'm glad you had a fun one.
    I don't think it was our worst but probably most uneventful anniversary. Our 3rd had me at about 34 wks pregnant with the girls and Kevin's dad had awesome D-back tickets. There was no way in heck I was going to get my large self out there and sit for hours so Kevin went with his dad and I went to see Hairspray with my MIL.
    For our 5 year anniversary (in Aug) we are hoping to relive our Honeymoon which was in Vegas, minus the kids of course:) Any vacation at all would be awesome at this point.

  3. I love how you write about things, I can just picture with your words how awesome the past eight years have been for you two lovebirds. Congrats!! My best anniversary was when John set up a scavenger hunt with a bunch of clues to find when I got home, which led me to a fancy restaurant and then to a night in the bed and breakfast that we spent part of our honeymoon in. It was a huge surprise. The funniest part is that his first clue was too difficult for me to figure out--he stood waiting at the restaurant for a little longer than he anticipated! lol

  4. Happy late anniversary! Isn't it crazy how time flies?! I can't say I had a bad anniversary but my favorite this far has been on our 5th Treg told me we could do what ever I after a couple of days trying to decide I finally came up with a plan, I wanted to go skydiving! You should have seen Tregs face when I said was priceless! Any how, it was awesome. I would become a professional skydiver....I LOVED it! By far the best anniversary this far.

  5. This was my first year to really celebrate our anniversary. Our first anniversary was spent with Pei Wei take out and loving our week old baby! But this year was a blast! We had always planned on going back to New York ( where we had our honeymoon) but instead we are buying a house. So we took a stay-cation instead. Dropped the kids at Bethy and Chacha's (Beth and Chase) and when to the Mesa Marriott and didn't have to think about being a mom!
