Monday, April 6

Isn't Easter the greatest? I love this time of the year when the trees are finally green again, the flowers are in full bloom and rabbits lay eggs.

Saturday was the first of many Easter Egg hunts to come.
Our little-big town is so great at hosting fun events for our community, we try to support all that we can. Saturday's was called Spring Celebration, but that's just PC talk for Easter Celebration. They had a wide variety of local vendors, food, music and other kid and family friendly activities. The main event was the egg hunt.
London didn't really understand why she should want to run out and pick up those eggs for her basket until she saw the other kids going crazy for the eggs and then she wanted them all! I was so proud of her as she pushed her way through for the kill. That's my little girl.

Porter's 7 to 8 age group was pretty fierce from the start. I could tell that some of the boys next to Port in line were going to hit it hard so we worked up a strategy. He did pretty good, and had an almost full basket when the last egg had been hunted. London did even better because she was given all of Porter's candy, since he's never liked the stuff much. It took the volunteers twenty minutes to spread out all the eggs and it took those seven and eight-year-olds three minutes to have it all picked up.

Of course they had the Easter Bunny roaming around followed by an entourage of kids wanting a hug and parents wanting a picture. We happen to be standing near by when there wasn't a line, and although I don't like to encourage the Easter Bunny as a main fixture of the holiday; he was there, we were there, so we snapped a picture. London was super freaked out by the huge rabbit, she wouldn't go near it without me and even then wouldn't stop looking at it, probably just trying to figure it out. It is kinda creepy. But it's all part of the fun, and fun it was.
Another part of our Easter celebration that made this weekend so lovely was watching the semi-annual General Conference in the comfort of my over-stuffed couch down in the basement. I got foot rubs and spiritual enlightenment all at once. Complete bliss. I always ask Olen what the subjects of the talks were on from the Priesthood session and Olen tried to tell me but when he got to the part about not spending so much time on the computer or blogging, I never heard the rest. I think it may have had something to do with my fingers in my ears. But maybe I have reached my quota for the day, so onto the other things in life I go.


  1. Oh Molly you crack me up...I like your total blockage of the priesthood meeting! Did they really say that or was Olen pulling you leg?? lol Foot rubs are my favorite thing too:)

  2. Ya know, good point!! I guess I'll find out for sure in next month's Ensign...

  3. Fun times....Treg didn't mention anything about the blog or FB, maybe he wasn't paying attention!hehe

  4. I also got the "stop blogging so much" quote from the DH:) I consider blogging more of a hobby then an obsession but the line between the two is sometimes very did they know?
