Wednesday, April 8

Today is all about finding that silver lining, that happy thought that might have gone unnoticed, those good words that could change the day of an unknown reader.
Today is Good Word Wednesday.

But today I am back on bed rest. Returning symptoms of worry. I won't know exactly what's going on till my appointment this weekend, so until then I am desperately searching for silver linings. Good day to search anyways, eh.

I don't have to be laying flat on my back all day long, so sitting and typing for a while is just fine and pretty good therapy, too. I am told I can't stand even to do dishes, darn. But I could sit and fold laundry if I wanted; a possibility and good timing since I always have neglected laundry in some corner of my house. And I guess reintroducing my Nike's back into the land of the living will have to wait till better days. I am a little bummed out about this one.

Mandatory days off would totally rock if there wasn't so much to be done. Tomorrow is a half day and Friday there is no school, so maybe we'll have some movie marathons and take out? Or a Daddy date with the kids? Maybe a long drive? Or maybe a new book. Saturday's the family Easter Egg hunt and picnic and Sunday is the big day itself. Sorry, Homies, that I don't have a whole lot of good words today. But never fear, I'm sure those silver linings will show up if I just keep looking. Have you found any over your house today?

To all the Ad Set Ladies at Kohls; I'm so sorry I had to bail last night without saying good-bye. Hopefully I will be back before long.


  1. It is really hard for me to just sit still EVER when there is always something that needs to be done, but your outcome will be SO WORTH IT in the end. If you need anything, just let me know. I head out to the studio tomorrow evening and wouldn't mind bringing you guys something if you need it! Seriously just let me know!!! And be sure to check my blog Sunday for a fun Easter surprise!

  2. Take it easy, let Olen do the laundry and dishes. Duerk's favorite saying from the past week (as I try desperately to get back into my routine) is 'Stop stressing. It will get done.' So true; it doesn't really matter in the end, someone will do it. :) Hope your worries disappear soon and you can enjoy Easter.

  3. Uh, Bedrest! As hard as it is to not do things that need to get done, it's also very nice to sit and read a book or do something relaxing that you've been wanting to do. Hang in there!

  4. ...I promise I wasn't fishing for sympothy cuz I'm really doing okay just bored - you guys are just the best and there's no stopping that.

    Tem, you are SO sweet!! I'm doing good, it's Olen's week that just got a lot busier! LOL!

    Molly, I will take Duerk's good advise. I hope you are too. ;)

    Tamra, good idea on the book; I just caved in and bought Twilight on my ipod, so I can listen while London watches Dora or I fold laundry. Can't wait to see what all the hype is about...

  5. Molly send me your address cause I have something I want to drop by tomorrow! Will you guys be home around 5:30 ish?

  6. I know that everything will be just A-OK! Even though it is hard to sit and do nothing just relax and take advantage of it while you can! Love ya pal and sending get-out-of-bed vibes!

  7. I was worried that something might have ahppened last night. Hope you feel better soon!

  8. I would be so bored too, but like September said, it will be well worth it! It won't be forever, although it may seem that way. I think you found some pretty awesome silver linings already - getting to read (or listen to) a good book and not having to do dishes or laundry!

    Hang in there - I read a whole lot when I was on bed rest for the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy with Emily. I was totally bored out of my mind though and hope yours doesn't last too long!

  9. I'm sorry about those thin silver linings at your house. I hope everything is just perfect with the baby and that she's (or he's) just telling his mom to slow down a bit and eat some more chocolate chip cookies. :) The silver lining at my house? Well...we put our house up for sale, but I'm still feeling nervous about doing it ourselves. Hopefully the silver lining with be a full-priced offer! (thanks again for you help, love ya)
