Wednesday, April 29

Good (?) Word Wednesday...


So ya know how I told you I sold my house?

Oh yeah baby…its happening. So now I am ready to tell the whole story. Well, not the whole story. Blogs really aren’t meant for the whole story, are they? So I will fill you in on the best blog worthy parts.

I listed our house the first week of March to test the waters of real estate. I didn’t even install a sign out front because I wasn't planning on listing it for more than a month. At first I was showing the house once or twice a week, then three and four times a week. I love showing houses, but not my own, what a pain. But then the accepted offer came in the first week of April. After only a month! It was just too rad to be true. A great family who loves our home as much (probably more) than we do. The only catch was that they still needed to sell their house. So I held my breath and doubted the whole time, Olen held his faith and knew it was going to happen (and that pretty much sums up our marriage). Once again, Olen was right. Their house sold and now we are closing at the end of May. Oh, I just screamed again. I’m just a little bit freaked out. Super happy, but super freaked.

So now your next question is, “Where are you guys moving?” Yup. That’s one of our questions, too. Right now we are so torn between going closer to family and staying in our little town where we’ve actually started growing some roots. Family sounds appealing because, well, it’s family and that means free babysitters around the corner and a hecka less driving. Plus with the biz Olen could be on the north side in the morning and then in the east valley that afternoon with appointments and a central local is a good thing. On the other hand, we love our little town with dirt roads and our friends here and we just got a Walmart and QT! It is so familiar and comfortable and I’m used to the drive to visit the family in town anyway.

Everything has come together so quickly and fits just right that I know we are just part of a bigger plan, and I’m sure it will continue to work out just fine if we stay on track. No matter where we end up. We’ll all keep in touch; that’s what blogs are for.

Ha! So how’s that for my Good Word Wednesday? Yeah, I agree, not my best Wednesday. It’s one of those “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times” kinda things. But I thought you all should know why I am going to be MIA for the next thirty days. May of 2009 isn’t shaping up to be a very relaxing month. I just need to have it all packed up and cleaned out before the big Family Reunion over Memorial weekend. You’re all invited, by the way. Dead serious. Call me because it’s a kind of fun you wouldn’t want to miss. I can't wait to hang my hammock under the pine trees and take a deep breath.

Will you check back often to make sure I’m still alive?
I appreciate it.


  1. Congrats! Selling a house in the current market is not an easy thing.

  2. What I didn't even know you were selling your house! Thank goodness for your blog or I wouldn't even know you at all.

    BTW there are over 10 QuikTrips in mesa and over 15 Walmarts. Just so you know.

    BTW again Congrats!!!!!

    Theres and opening in my apartment complex if you feel like getting back to your roots.

  3. My votes with Darc, move to Mesa!!! That really is where your roots are ya know! And forget Walmart and QT. Mesa has ME!!!!!!

  4. What are all these Mesa fans raving about?? Stay here. Nothing beats our area!! I love it. Been there and done that - Mesa, even Gilbert.

  5. MESA IS WERE IT IS AT! You shouldn't stay in china they had you guys way too long. Come to me my jungle friend. Joan and Marge need to be reunited.....and it feels so good!Think of all the AB Fab people that live here. Plus some awesome homes in my area.

  6. mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa mesa

  7. You could throw everyone off and move by us in North Phoenix/Cave Creek. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

    Congrats on the selling of your abode!

  8. That is such wonderful news (although not for me, looks like I'm about to loose one of my only friends!!!). I'm so glad it worked out for you guys; what a blessing. I know you guys will make the right decision on where to move next!
