Friday, April 3

Flashback Friday

Don't you just love these things?
They let you see what you know is there before you're allowed to see it. Kinda like taking a peek at Christmas presents in November. This picture is of London about two months before she was born. She was always hiding behind stuff and to this day she still can't sleep without being totally wrapped up in about five different blankets.

This week I had a little scare by some complications to my pregnancy. Symptoms I've seen before. I called my Nurse Midwife and she said, "Get this girl into the ultra sound now!" Which was just what I wanted to hear. So we went and got our first glimpse of our little growing baby. And by growing I really mean me. I seriously was prepared to hear the words "Do twins run in your family" because I feel like there's two of 'em in there, but nope, just one. Much to Olen's relief, I think.

Everything is just fine and the baby is right on track, (or "right on the money" as the technician kept telling me). I just have to take it easy for a couple days. When we showed our new pictures to London and said, "Look at our baby!" She took a look at our unrecognizable baby-bean and then looked back at us confused and then went back to playing with her tea set. She didn't get it. When we showed our new pictures to Porter he said, "Awh, he (because Porter is sure that it's a brother) looks like a cute little inch worm with a head." I said, "Yes, he does. Right on the money."


  1. So glad little Lucy is doing okay! BTW I have named your baby Lucy. It a tradition in the family to name the preggo baby belly something random. Briauna named mine Iggy, Her's is Reggie and yours is Lucy.

  2. Lou are you making an announcement?

    At least B's name could go either way...

  3. Yeah, Lisa???

    Loved the pics Molly! I am so glad everything is right on the money with your little inch worm!

    Mad love. Camille

  4. It's nice to know how many buns are in the oven for sure. I'm glad the baby is doing well:)

  5. Um NO! I ment when I was Preggo with Little B! Why would you even think that? does these pants make my tummy look big or something?

  6. Congrats again Molly, I'm so glad you were able to see your little bean. :) Take it easy!

  7. Man, I just tried to leave a comment and it refused to e left. Sigh. But basically what I said is that you crack me up, and I hope that you are sticking strictly to the doctor's orders and making everyone serve you on silver trays etc. :)

  8. You take it easy, missy! Stop making delicious homemade icecream for your friends and get some rest. :) Glad everything checked out ok, what a relief.
