Monday, August 31

FJ1W wanna be.

This third trimester stuff is really getting me down. I asked my nurse midwife what I can do to keep the poundage off and she said to lay off the sugar and drink more water. I actually do drink a lot...of juice, kool-aid and lemonade. They are my favorites, but water, not so much.
Erin has issued a challenge (an idea that I loved!) to herself called "For Just One Week" (FJ1W) where she chooses a self-improvement goal of some kind or other and does it for a week. She's extended the invitation to all that would like to join the self-improvement bandwagon, so I guess I'll jump on board. You should come, too. But buckle up, it's gunna be a bumpy ride.

My goal FJ1W: No Sugar.

Sunday Aug. 23rd: Doesn't count. Sundays are my day off from diets. It's just a rule I have. Ice cream with homemade hot fudge sauce and fresh berries was calling my name and I answered back.

Monday Aug. 24th: Did good all day. I filled the pitchers in my fridge that are usually occupied with Countrytime strawberry lemonade with water. I even passed up the FHE treat! Which meant so did everyone else...

Tuesday Aug. 25: I forgot today. I let Porter choose his own treat for school lunches at the grocery. Plus I was having a really bad day, do you remember it? He chose Oreoes and so that night we had to make Oreo milk shakes. It's a "If you give Molly an Oreo, she'll probably make a milk shake" kind of thing. Still drinking lots of water.

Wednesday Aug. 26th: Blew it on purpose. I had my last RE renewal class in the morning and had stayed up too late with my new book so I visited the vending machine. I'm not usually a soda drinker, but I love cream soda. Did you know that A&W cream soda has a tad bit of caffeine? Um, I did. (Like my picture taken via camera phone from under the table? I'm sure everyone around me was wondering why I took a picture of my soda. They just didn't know I had bigger things in mind than continuing education.)
Thursday Aug. 27th: First day of totally no sugar! Drank water and visited the little girls room all day. Go me.

Friday Aug. 28th: Another day of no sugar stuff. I was even tempted with a weekend sweet, but went for the sugar free pudding instead. This is getting easier and my sugar cravings are down to a manageable minimum. Keep the water coming.
Saturday Aug. 29th: Participated in a huge multi-family early morning garage sale and needed sustenance. Ate a chocolate covered Boston cream-filled donut. Later had a large root beer at the movies (FYI: don't see The Time Traveler's Wife without a box of Kleenex) and afterwards had some kind of chocolate fudge thing at dinner. It was beautiful and I have no regrets.

Now that brings us back to Sunday, and even though it's a day of rest from dieting I still did pretty good. Only a glass of oj at breakfast. Okay, my first shot at FJ1W wasn't a total 100% and I know I can do better. So I am making this my goal for the next coming week, too. And maybe the next and the next...until I get it down pat and don't have to make it a goal anymore, but just something I do. Who's with me? Well, us?

What will you do FJ1W?

Sunday, August 30

I watched her this morning eat only the buttered insides of an orange cranberry muffin and sweep the rejected outer muffin crumbs onto the dinning room rug.

"Elle! You can eat the whole muffin, please."
She holds the muffin like a watermelon slice to her face. More rejected muffin parts hit the rug.
"C'mon London, behave?"
"Noooo mom! I don't want to be a have."

Down fall more crumbs.

Wednesday, August 26

Good Word Wednesday

I feel like today has been such a waste. I had my last real estate continuing education class this morning and now it's after one o'clock and Porter will be home in a couple hours and then it's onto homework, dinner, bedtime and America's Got Talent. So sad. Well, I guess that only leaves time to blog and maybe a nap (she says with a sly smile).

In the spirit of Good Word Wednesday, how about I share a quick funny from my baby girl? The one I sometimes stare at and think, "Where did you come from?" because she is just so clever and independent and beautiful and somehow has us all wrapped around her little finger. The one that brings sunshine with her smiles and makes my life worth living. She and my little brown-eyed boy, of course. I don't know what I would do without them. Smile less and sleep more for sure. But who needs sleep.

So yesterday I had to dash to the grocery for more nails, bleach and juice boxes. Now I never do this, but yesterday was one of those days and I bribed the kids with toys if they were super wonderful and helped me get through the store really quickly. Well, it worked, and Porter picked out a Slinky and London picked out a Tinker Bell key chain with all the bells and whistles.

Quick side note to help you understand the rest of the story: London can't wait for Daisy to be born so she can immediately play Care Bears and tea party with her. She has started a little stash of ribbons, hair bows and her most special dolls to give to Daisy when she finally arrives. London tells "When Daisy is with me..." stories all day long and says that she will help Daisy brush her hair and teeth. I had to brake it to her that Daisy will be born without hair and teeth. London thought that was sad and a little gross. Bottom line; London can't wait.

Back to the grocery story now. So, we finally make it to the check out lane with way more stuff than nails, bleach and juice boxes. The woman behind the counter drops my debit card behind the register and has to go get someone to help her get it out. London is saying she wanted the Tinker Bell Pez dispenser instead of the key chain. It's getting closer and closer to dinner time and I am wishing I would have picked up a pizza from the deli. Porter has climbed onto the bagging turn-table to reach my card because he knows he is a good finder (and actually did find my card, because he actually is a good finder) . The lady behind me is making audible sighing noises, I refuse to turn around and acknowledge her. Dang it, now I have to pee. London is yelling at me. I'm trying to find my wallet in my over sized hobo bag. What is she saying? I whisper, "What, Buttercup? I'm right here, please stop yelling." She is pointing to the Disney Princess key chain and asking me to get it, too. I tell her the deal was just one key chain and we already got the awesome Tinker Bell one. "For Daisy mom! For Daisy!" Okay, let's go over this one more time: "Sugar, Daisy can't play with a Princess key chain. She isn't ready yet." London looks at me in disgust. She screams, "Let her out mom!! Let her out!! Let her out!!" I grab my receipt, give the bagger a smile and pretend everything is just fine as I book it for the exit.

Good grief. Doesn't she know I would if I could. Well, it was a good thing the kids had their Slinky and key chain to play with, because it took five minutes with my head on the steering wheel and the car air on full blast in my face till I could start the drive home. See, I told you it was one of those days.
I bet you never have days like this, do you.
Um, do you?

Monday, August 24

Overheard lately...

(While playing with blocks)
Porter: No, no, La La. You don’t want to put that there.
London: Why?
Porter: You’ll understand when you’re older.

(At the dinner table)
Porter: You’ll be such a happy girl if you eat all your dinner.
London: I am happy girl. See? (smiles big)
Porter: (sighs) You’ll understand when you’re older.

(In the family room)
Porter: If you help me pick up the pillows I will help you sometime.
London: No!
Porter: Please? Forget it. You’ll understand when you’re older.


Friday, August 21

Flashback Friday - last night's surprise

Two parents.
Twelve kids.
One daughter-in-law.
Five sons-in-law.
Seven (almost eight) grand kids.
Thirty years.
Mamasita Bonita and Daddio's Surprise Anniversary Dinner:

Hiding out and waiting for the guests of honor to arrive to what they thought was a quiet dinner.
Surprise!!!!!! Oh, we got 'em so good.
Quiet dinners don't happen in our family.
For the past seven years our parents have given us family t-shirts at Christmas. We had this quilt made out of the t-shirts we've been given so far and I think we'll have to add this to our tradition, too. It was a huge hit. Now anyone can cuddle up under all seven shirts at once.
It was always a really (I'm talking, really-really) special treat when we got to go out to eat as a whole family growing up. I mean, did I mention there were twelve of us? Putting it all together without Mamasita catching on was super tricky (read: stressful) and took a group effort. It was worth it and made another great family memory. Here's to the next thirty years.

Just had to show the quilt all by itself because of its obvious awesomeness. If you want to make your parents or yourself (I'm having one made of all my race t-shirts next) really happy visit Carrie over at the Quilted Bee and prepare to be amazed.

Wednesday, August 19

Good Word Wednesday

The Top Ten Reasons I'm Love'n Our New House (in no order):

I can clean my house in one day! This is good news, people. It used to take me at least two days in the last one. And are you digging my fancy gloves? Of course you are. They were a gift from my sister Darcy who is a genius at making functional things fancy.

All the quirky charms. This window by our front door is super cool. It distorts the colors from the yard and each little circle shines that color back into our house. Very groovy.

This jr. high school track is only three blocks away from our house, and what's better is it's a dirt track! I was wondering where I could make a new route once I can run again, (which is 56 days, give or take a week) and voila! here it is.

Built-in storage spots. These shelves give me more room to stash all our junk things we like.

No stairs! Just hallways and rooms and doors.
Wondering what that first little cupboard is on the right? It's #6, scroll down.

This is an easy access cupboard to the can goods we store in the pantry. Isn't it great?! Porter thinks it's pretty much the coolest thing in the world to have a secret cupboard in to the pantry and London plays grocery store with her stuffed animals from here. I told you this house has its quirky charms.

My neighbors! I have a brother and three sisters that live only one mile away. After living 40 minutes away (I know that's not as far as some of you live from family, but still) it is such a blast to just call and ask to borrow some duct tape and then zip down and pick it up in two minutes. You know I'm big on family and come from a big family so this is so rad.

Big closets. I was able to fit our entire toy room into Porter's closet. He now has the best room in the house.

The girls' room. Yeah, I still have projects in mind for this room and there's really no "wow" factor just yet, but it's the name of the room that I'm in love with. The Girls' Room. Not just London's room anymore, but plural. Girls. It's a big deal and I get choked up if I think about it too long.
The view. I took this picture last night by walking five steps off my drive way. Don't recognize what building that is? Well, this is a side view, for the front view scroll down.

So now if you ever need a place to park around Easter or Christmas time, I'm your gal. Our entrepreneur son already has grand ideas of selling hot cocoa on the sidewalk in front of our house to all the people on their way to see the Christmas lights, so when you come bring your quarters.

Tuesday, August 18

Singing the blues

So in our new house I have this wall. Of windows. It's very retro and I know I would really enjoy it more if it wasn't a blasting 199 degrees outside and the windows are circa 1960's single pane and let in all kinds of heat. I found these amazing curtain panels at Lowes that promised to block out 99% of the sunlight thus decreasing utility costs and, well, sunlight. Just what I needed. Except each panel was $27.99, and I needed 10 panels. Ouch. I wanted them in brown, but the light blue were on clearance (insert angels singing) for $6.99 a panel. Nothing in my house is any shade of blue predominately, but for a $20.00 per panel discount there sure could be.
That's how I got started on my current "Incorporating Blue" phase. I've got to find some way to tie this wall of blue to the rest of the main gathering room decor. Here's my first project. I bought this lonely candle picture from the thrift and inserted a cork board recovered in the perfect fabric from Hobby Lobby because really all I loved was the frame. When the rest of the room has been put together I'll have to show you because it'll make more sense. Well, that's the theory. For now it's a start and has me singing the blues.

Monday, August 17

"...the first time I laid eye on you..." - Mike Wazowski

I found Olen's back-up eye in a box of random things yesterday (now how many people do you know that could ever truthfully say that sentence?). Elle thought it was pretty awesome so I wedged it in my eye and made pirate noises. Then I went on a search for Olen to show him how funny I was. He almost peed his pants, folks. Then he gave me his other eye (straight out of his head) to see what I would look like as a blue-eyed girl. Turns out, pretty frightening.
We all got a good laugh but I think I'll stick with my browns.

Friday, August 14

Flashback Friday

We all needed a break. So last Saturday we packed up the car with books, blankets and travel snacks. We headed north to find a shady spot to have a picnic and maybe a creek to fish for crawdads and anything else that could be found. Our two motion-sick prone kids all medded up on Dramamine dozed softly in the back seat and I read another Louis L'Amour to Olen as we cruised passed the cacti and into the pines.
With such pleasant weather and no schedules to keep we were able to roll up our pants and relax. London grew quite a collection of fallen leaves and random rocks that caught her fancy.
Olen will share his passion for fishing with any willing student, luckily our kids love to be taught. He fashioned a London-sized fishing pole out of a limber twig to teach her how to catch the biggest crawdads. With a piece of bacon tied to the end of the line and some patience, you really can't miss.
Porter preferred the trap method. He would dangle the bacon in the water and let the crawdads latch on and then pull them all up at once.
His patience always paid off.
Me? I was content to just watch. Once while on a pioneer trek in Virginia, I rested beside the tall grass on the trail and that night discovered I had picked up a hitch-hiker deer tick on my right upper arm. (Jenn, do you remember this?) Ever since then I am leery about laying in any grass so I kept checking for creepy crawlies. Olen said he'd check me for ticks when we got home, but somehow that really didn't put my mind at ease. That cheeky boy.
Of course Olen threw in a line. Here's his best catch of the day, but he seemed okay with it.

We drove home tired, dirty and smelling like creek water and bacon, but ready to say good-bye to the summer break and hello to the new school year.

Thursday, August 13

Molly's Rule of Life #12

While sorting through pictures of the family, don't sit and stare at the ones before you were 32 weeks pregnant. This does no one any good.

Man, it's gunna take a lot of work for me to get that backside back...

Wednesday, August 12

Good Word Wednesday!

You wanna know my Good Word for today?! Guys, Porter actually came home from his first day of school on Monday and said, "Mom, I love my school and my teacher is super nice!" Things that he never would have said last year. I wipe my brow and take a sigh of relief because I really couldn't agree with him more. I think we've made a good choice.

Tuesday, August 11


Wednesday, August 5

Good Word(y) Wednesday - Half the space, twice the breathing room.

The good people at Qwest won't be able to hook us up to the www till next week, so I'll be on a little mandatory hiatus till then (except for the times like today that I'll sneak over to Mamasita Bonita's casa and borrow her www). It's good though because I'll be forced to face my house-o-clutter all week and hopefully get it declutterized. Our new house is on this side of vintage, so I hope that we have all the right connection places to get me back and running even. Oh well, I'll think about that next week.

Since today is Wednesday, you know I have to share a good word. It's a habit now, folks, but I'll take a break from my "Be" lookings and just babble about what's going on in our little family's world for now.

We've just moved from a six-bedroom, four-bathroom house to three-bedrooms and two-baths. We had three storage units packed floor to ceiling while we were twiddling our thumbs and watching houses fall out of our reach or snatched off the market. Now that everything has been delivered and unloaded to our new house it is my duty to find space for it all. So much has either been sold (my darling Craigslist, I love you) or given away. I love seeing it go, because it just doesn't matter anymore. It's just stuff, and the best things in life are not stuff.

So why the drastic downsize? Yeah, sure, there were bigger houses and we looked at them all, but this house just felt really right, ya know. Our family has decided to take a 360 in life and simply slow the roll. I was talking to my good friend last month, who also happens to be my aunt, about how lucky Olen and I feel to have been able to sell our oversized house and how ready we are to embrace the simple life. Our priorities were on track, but a little fuzzy and out of focus. Then I was sharing my new motto for the year, "Simplify", with my best long-distance BFF (Happy Birthday!) and how at peace my life is now. It's a little bit like squeezing out of the crowds and away from the circus and finally being able to breath. It's the best.

Our kids are loving the change, too. Like I've mentioned, Porter gets to go to the same school as my little sister, Auntie Aubrey, his best friend in the whole wide world. London loves the new house, but I think we're one move away from totally blowing her mind. Listen to this; when she's really mad at me because I've had to discipline her or she's been caught doing something she shouldn't, she'll say to me, "Sometimes YOU poop in your panties!" and runs away. The first time this happened I just stood stunned to silence - how do I respond to this, "No I don't - you do!" Pointless. It's a good thing she ran away because I had to sit down with my head in my hands and laugh. And laugh and laugh. Mamasita always said I'd get one like me her, so I bet she's laughing, too. Well, how's that for off track? Back to today's story now.

I have magically found places for almost everything thanks to large rooms with spacious closets. Now I'm at the "Should I hang this here, or here?" stage; my favorite of all these many stages. I'll have pictures to brag on document soon I hope, but right now it would be like seeing the bride before the wedding.
Have a simply splendid week!

Sunday, August 2

Sunday visit

These are my Muscles: Spencer, Porter, Matthew and Andrew.
They are men in the making and I am proud to call them brothers (and son). They lent their muscles moving us out, rolling a paint brush with me and moving us in. They work cheap, too.
All's you got to do is feed them!

There is a light at the end of my tunnel of boxes - we'll be in our own beds by tomorrow night.