Monday, January 5

Don't you love the smell of schedules in the morning?!

Hooray for returning to the routines! After these last two weeks of holidays and no set schedules, today has been such a welcomed Monday. Port went back to school without much of a fuss. I think he was starting to get bored here at home and sick of me finding ways for him to be busy (unloading the dishwasher, scrubbing the bath tubs, organizing the toy room...) but that's what happens around here when you tell me "I'm soooo bored". I think the lesson was learned. (Thanks, mom.)

Better keep your distance. The flu bug hit our house this past weekend. Porter caught it first and now London hasn't been her usual 105mph self. On Saturday Porter woke up with tummy troubles and when he finally came out of the bathroom I asked him if he went #1 or #2 he said, "No way mom! That was like #10!"
"Oh. Good." was my response. T.M.I. Thanks, Port.
Luckily, that bug didn't last long and hasn't spread. Hopefully your house doesn't catch the #10's.

I read this book, recommend and borrowed from my mamasita, over the weekend. I usually don't go for the real-life-learn-a-lesson kind of books, but this one was so lovely and inspirational. Really a great prelude to the new year. Go rent, borrow or buy this one pronto and I bet you'll agree.
So, I figure that even though it's January 5th, it really is the first day that our Resolutions begin. So today is day one and everything else was a freebie. Right? Right. So that Texas sheet cake I made last night doesn't count. Good. That's what I thought.
Another resolution I have is to catch up on my homies' blogs. I haven't had time to stop and say hey all month. We really still love you. So I promise to pay a visit soon. But right now I need to watch 'Curious George' with London for the millionth time.
And, seriously, where are my paragraph breaks?!


  1. I've heard good things about that book too, but I didn't read it for the very same reason you listed! So now I'll give it a try after your endorsement. :) I am SO with you on the schedule thing and starting the resolutions starting today. I was really missing my schedule, as lame as it is most days, and I already feel like I've gotten so much done. That makes me happy. Also, I am very much looking forward to the day when we are both snowbirds and can live next door to each other and thrift all day. I knew there was a reason we've been bff's for so long! love ya

  2. Ewwww....#10s sound bad. Glad it didn't last too long, though! ;)

    I always have to go back and edit my post after it's published to add in the breaks (or delete the extra ones). For whatever reason, Blogger freaks out when pictures are added and the spacing gets all wacky.

  3. When you are typing up your paragraphs there are two tabs on the right of the box. One says "html" and I can't remember what the other says but you want to be in html and that way it will keep the breaks. If you are in html then I don't know what to tell you.

    I'm going to read the book now!

  4. I love schedules!! I wish I had more to put on mine, but oh well.

    Giving Port chores when he is bored? Thats such a mom thing to do!

  5. I was already for the organized Monday schedule...then wham I get thrown for a loop with sick kids. How do they do that? Not sick all break and then time to go back to school and they end up sick.

  6. oh my gosh how i need a freakin routine! i am hoping to sit down today and make one out because i am going insane livin' this holiday schedule of crazy-ness!

  7. That flu bug is goin around. My kids just had it! I just got The Last lecture on cd. We havn't listened to it yet, so I'm excited you thought it was a good one:)
