Monday, January 19

Well, I guess it's safe to say that this blog (like my life) will be constantly in a state of construction. I get bored with backgrounds and feel the need to change things up all the time. This current theme I've come up with is one I really connect with, so maybe I'll wear it for a while longer than the others.

Somethings been on my mind, Homies, so I hope you don't mind if I spell it out. It's my blog and I think that's okay. Its totally "mommy-blogger" of me to even mention it. But I am a mom and I blog. Boy, do I blog. I am a freaking Mommy Blogger. So sue me. If I make you uncomfortable...then you haven't known me long enough. You'll get used to it. Ha! You should see the eyebrows that I've raised over at the in-laws! But I am getting better... Oh, and now I've totally made you nervous, haven't I? Sorry, well, it's not that big a's just that this month marks the seventh month that our little family has been "trying" to expand our ranks and I'm feeling a little down. I guess my letter to Santa got lost in the mail. If you've ever been in a position such as mine, then you understand that seven months can seem like a very long time. But we've wanted and waited longer.

And even though conceiving hasn't come super easy for me, compared to others, it hasn't been hard. I know I'm a lucky girl, and I love love love the two angels I've been blessed with. I have a very tender spot in my heart for anyone who has wanted so badly, but had to wait for their angels to show up. But because we don't want another four-and-a-half-year gap; this month on the advice of the good doctor we are again seeking the help of our friendly neighborhood pharmacy and attempting to speed things up.
Please say a little prayer for me, would ya? Thanks.

Alright, let's put that away now. So, happy day off to you and yours! Porter made the Honor Roll again and we need to come through with our end of the bargain. A family outing to the bowling alley. Not a bad way to spend a Monday afternoon, eh?
What do you have going on today?


  1. oh molly! i was hoping that Santa got your letter... i wanted to ask if you got what you wanted but then i figured you would tell us if you did :)
    i seriously will pray for you- i can relate when it comes to really wanting a baby and having no luck... but i have faith that God knows your heart and will bless you in your seeking to be a mother of three!
    you are awesome molls... i know its hard to keep your chin up when it seems like things arent going the way you want them to.
    and i love your page-- no matter how many times you change it :)

    have a better week.

  2. So CRAZY!Last night I had a Dream you were big and prego!! No Joke! I was helping you plan you Baby Shower and you kept telling me I needed to have another one! I have been praying for your family and I know it will happen for you! Mug lova for life

  3. Good luck Molly! I never had trouble GETTING pregnant, but lost a couple along the way. It happens...but I'm thankful for the three kiddos (now TEENS) that Heavenly Father blessed me with. We'll keep praying for you!

  4. Oh sometimes I feel like such a bad friend for not really knowing what's going on in your life. But I guess it can feel hard to put this sort of stuff out there for everyone to see. I guess I thought you guys planned the spacing between London and Porter because I remember that you were surprised by how quickly you got pregnant with Porter (am I remembering that right? I swear I remember you telling me how shocked your Dad was when you told him lol!)
    Anyway, you know you're in my prayers. I love you lots Molly, and it's funny to me how your "downer" post still came across so positive sounding. You're the best. :)

  5. You're the bomb, Molly. You'll be on my prayer list.....and just remind Olen of all the extra...uh...efforts put into trying when it finally pays off and you don't feel like you-know-what. ;)

  6. You are an AWESOME MOMMY BLOGGER!! I can always come to your page and find something new and fun! Keep it up girl:)

    Hang in there trying to get a baby...thinking of you:)

  7. We are sooo with you in the "hunt" for ways to add the next member of the fam. The first two came without trying but this one just isn't that easy! I am totally sympathizing with you and if you need to vent, just give me a buzz. Here's to you and success!

  8. Molly, I know I told you about the FAM (fertility awareness method)before. Get the book cause it's pretty much amazing the things you will learn about your body. And to keep your awesome blog G rated I won't say the tip that might help. (wink wink face)
