Wednesday, January 7

Good Word Wednesday!
Yesterday was just one of those days. You know the kind. Everything that possibly could ever need getting done happens to plop land in one twelve-hour segment. Plus a sick baby on top.
So when I finally crash landed in bed last night I was totally spent. I fell hard into a deep sleep and didn't wake up until Olen was inches from my nose asking me if I was getting sick, too. No I'm not. Just sick of sick kids.
Then while trying to shake my sleepiness and make a bowl of Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries I was wishing it was Red Bull instead of milk that I was pouring (I know, I know, I read December's Ensign, too, but c'mon). And then I remembered my dream from last night.
I was driving my bed around to the Starbuck's drive-through window with Olen asleep at my side. I was so tired that I remember I couldn't see well enough to turn the corner and I kept telling myself I would never drive beds ever again. I came up to the window and I was explaining to the girl that I've never ordered coffee before and I was asking her if I should add cherry or vanilla to my drink (Ha! But, you can tell I sure have gotten drinks at QT!). She said she wasn't allowed to tell me how to make my drink, so I had to wake up Olen and ask him how. Olen just told me to go back to sleep and not take him to Starbuck's in the middle of the night anymore.
So, homies, there's proof that I am not fit to be awake today. Or drive beds. I hope you got a laugh out of that. Olen did. And now he's wondering why I was craving coffee in the middle of the night. Oh, and what I was wearing.
Have you ever had crazy dreams? Remember Good Word Wednesday is all about sharing the things that help you find "joy in the journey" and maybe bring a smile to those that read it, too.
Maybe next time I'll tell about the dream I had when I was pregnant with Porter and dreamt that he was a grown man and I was forcing him to nurse...that one was kind of a nightmare.


  1. have i EVER.
    last night i had bad dreams, so i wont share those... but my favorite funny dream is the time i dreamed that i made cookies for Sarah Palin, brought them to her house, met her husband and hung out with her and her family for the rest of the day.

    can you say, BIZZARRE? i guess Jeff and I's political conversations were getting to me... and perhaps i was feeling a little guilty for saying mean things about her?

  2. girl I can relate to crazy dreams...I have always had them since I was a baby!

    Mine last night consisted of.. knocking down all the things on my side table...I scared my husband to death by yelling the room is flooded there is water everywhere! He usually ignores me...but it must have been a good dream to get his attention;) I am a crazy sleeper!

    I guess we could have rode a bed in water to Starbucks last night;) haha (next time)

  3. I had a totally crazy dream last night too and now Chad is wondering what's wrong with me! I dreamed that we weren't married yet and that Chad never showed up at the temple the day of our wedding and then called to say he didn't want to marry me :( What the hek!! WEIRD! Good thing he really did show up and still loves me even though I dream that he doesn't :0)
