Friday, January 9

Flashback Friday

My little sister Bethany is getting married next Thursday.
It is going to be lovely. My parent's have turned their Historic House upside down and redone the lawns to host the reception. Months of preparation and years of anticipation (Beth and Chase have been BFF's since high school and through out missions and more) will all be worth it in only six days.
Well, I love weddings. Everything about love and new lives starting. It's the best.
All this wedding buzz is making me remember a day just about eight years ago...

Flashback to:
April 20, 2001

My wedding day. I'm wearing my Grandma's veil. The same one my mom wore and all my aunts (but one) wore. It was so special. And counted for my something "borrowed" and something "old".

I know you all are totally digging my red hair. Olen thought it was natural when we first met and still wishes that I would go back to red. What say you?
Here's the dirty dozen...almost. One of those is not family at all (long story) and I'm missing a couple brothers. But this is what we looked like back in 2001. There's Beth far left.
My big brother Christopher was on his second year of serving a mission in Sacramento, California. I almost postponed the wedding till his return in November (he's one of my best friends after all), but Olen accepted a job in Flagstaff the day he proposed and I wasn't down for the long-distance thing. So we were hitched four months later in the Mesa Temple. Then Chris came home to his little sister who was married and seven months pregnant. Um? Welcome home, Bud!
Christopher and Me. Only 369 days apart.

Yes. I know my bouquet rocked the house. It was the only thing I was most picky on. I wanted it just like my Aunt Nola's so that I could hang it on the wall. It now resides in London's room. Chelsea and Katie (in matching buttercup-colored skirts) were my Maids of Honor (I couldn't choose just one!) and Bethany, Darcy and my four BFF's from high school were my Brides Maids. That's my gorgeous Mamasita Bonita on the left.

I wanted a Garden Wedding and there were flowers everywhere. I love flowers. It was amazing. Completely just the way I wanted it. And let's be real, how many people can say that?
B, I hope that next Friday you can say that.


  1. Congrats to your sis. I'm sure it will be perfect for her. She's starting it off on the right foot (at the temple!) for sure.

    Love your wedding pics. Funny Olen thought your hair was natural; I like it both ways.

  2. I loved your wedding too! Its one of my most favorite memories because I met my sweetheart that night. I loved your veil and you are a babe, but I like the color you rock now not so much on the red!

  3. i remember your wedding reception like it was yesterday.
    seriously, this will sound horrible, but i honestly usually hate receptions... but YOURS, i couldn't wait for- i was SO happy for you that you had found someone so wonderful to spend your life with... and i remember you told me how your grandma or someone said you had a special GLOW about you when you met Olen... i thought that was so cute.
    i remember you all in love... and i remember looking up to you (as i have my entire life since i have known you) and wished for that same kind of wedding bliss.

    you are such a babe-alicious bride, molls!!

    what a great flashback.

    and i love the Chris and you picture... too cute :)

  4. I wish I could have been there! I was so sad when I couldn't make it, but I remember seeing pictures and I could just see how happy you were!
    And I have to say, I think you're right, it's rare that you had your perfect day--I feel the same way about my wedding day too!
    Congrats to Bethany, I'm so happy for her!

  5. We are so little in those pictures. Its crazy how just eight years about we are all jamming out to Bush in our room and now most of us are all married. And now little B-hana gets to join our very elite group.

  6. Wow! You had red hair. You looked awesome for your wedding. What nice big family.

  7. Molly, Im not sure if you remember me from high school, Megan Bradshaw? But I stumbled onto your blog from Kaci and Adams, do you mind if I peek in on you from time to time? :) I love your blog and how you write it.
