Wednesday, January 28

Good Word Wednesday!

Let's break out them good words.

Can I just say how much I love having the TV turned back on? It's a long story. No it's not. See, we turned off the TV because we found we were staying up late watching all those amazing Food Network shows (Alton do I love thee? My girl Paula! Unwrapped!) and then we would get hungry and so I would whip a little sum'thing-sum'thing up in the kitchen and BAM! there we would be up way too late, eating way too much. Bad Molly! (LOL, Ad Set girls!!) Plus Porter would get sucked into the Sponge Bobs and Timmy Turners and those shows don't fly with this mama. We're not going to do that anymore. Pinkie promise.
But tonight (and last) what sweet hour of vegetation bliss called American Idol! What is it about that show that makes laughing at these clueless-hope-filled people alright (and yes, sometimes funny)? They know what they're getting themselves into, right? Possible public mockery. I bet they have to sign something. I'm sure it's fine print, but they've got to have some sort of disclaimer. We got pretty involved with the show last season, too, mostly because my High School Alumni, Brooke White, was on. I think that's when I got hooked. Other shows that have me hooked include The Office (DIE hard fan. You can quiz me.) and, well, that's pretty much all I've got time for.

I'm wondering what's got you hooked?
I just left the first message explaining why I love The Office. Now, what's so great about your show?

What is YOUR SHOW?
Or, if you love The Office, tell me your favorite one!!!


  1. I didn't love The Office at first. I was like, "Huh? Why are they looking at the camera?!" Then my family force-fed it to me and I saw the light. It's probably the best show out there. (IF Arrested Development were still on air, I would have to say it would be a tie.)

    OH! I also love MY NAME IS EARL. This is one that my family doesn't get. But, see my Reynolds' side has some hillbilly history and I can totally connect with the redneck love.

  2. Well, I never get to watch anything while it's actually on. I have to TIVO everything. But my favorites are TOP CHEF, HOUSE, and HEROES! And since I'm a dance teacher I feel a little obligated to say SYTYCD.

  3. I guess I really didn't have room to complain about your post. At least you are consisant on your blogging, while I just do it really about once a month.

    Anyways I would have to agree with Molly (except for the My Name is Earl part). I love the office! It really is the only show I accually make time to watch it. My favorite episode would have to be when Michael burns his foot on the george forman grill and then Dwight gets his head hurt. Classic.

  4. Molly, you have redeemed yourself. And this post was perfect cause Chris and I stayed up late with Asher last night so we watched an episode of Top Chef (LOVE IT!) and it got us so hungry Chris whipped up a fried egg/toast/ cheese thing. It was SUPER YUMMY! So yeah, I totally know what you are talking about!

    I don't want to get beat up here but The Office has lost some of it's charm. Dwight is more of what Michael used to be... I still love it but they need to stop all the subplots cause it's making the episodes feel like 2 seconds long when there's so much going on. 30 Rocks is just hilarious! And completes me.

    Okay, I wasn't planning on saying all that but I just wish 30 Rock got more attention.

  5. We need to pull the plug on our tv. I really don't watch much...except when project runway is on. But my kids watch WAY too much. When Ham can't say 20 words and one that he can say is Sponge Bob you know we are in trouble.

  6. i have never been into any show like i am the office. i mean NEVER have i bought the episodes for each season, NEVER have a planned my day around making sure i see the new ones... but i am totally done for when it comes to the office.
    favorite episode?
    grief counseling.
    hilarious on so many levels :)

  7. Oh. 30 Rock. How did I forget this gem?!
    Aren't we all Liz Lemmon's at heart?

  8. That's funny about the cooking shows. The only show we really watch is '24', and we just wait for the DVDs. :) Then, we watch as many in a row whenever we want. Besides, we don't have cable and even with the bunny ears the only channel we can kind of get is 5. ;)

    I have apron orders for you, pending pricing!!! Let me know what your charge is! Please!!

  9. So I know that I am going to be stoned to death for this comment so here goes....I don't like the office or 30 rock.....och I feel the hate already!

    I am more of a House and Grey's anatomy type of girl.

    Don't get me wrong I gave the office and 30 rock a fair shot to win over my addiction for late night shows but they both fell short.

    My true love that drives my sweet crazy is House Hunters on HGTV. LOVE LOVE Love that show! It keeps me up way too late every night!

  10. A whole hour of The Office after some football game this Sunday!!!!!

    And Jack Black, too!!!!!!!

    Two of my favorite things.
