Monday, September 28

FJ1W: I feel pretty! Oh, so pretty!

You're staring into the guts of my "great and spacious" make-up box.
It's actually a tackle box that I just found a better use for.

So last week I gave myself the FJ1W challenge of getting fully ready for the day, whether I was going out or not. I decided that as long as my face was on, getting dressed in a pair of Olen's clean p.j.s was a-ok. See, this way I could still be comfortable, but answer the door in full confidence because of my perfectly applied mascara. I think I probably saved myself some time by getting dolled up in the morning because when I needed to go out at any other time of the day I was already 50% ready to go. The first couple of days Porter commented as I picked him up from school, "Where did you go today?"
"Nowhere. London and I rearranged her room today."
"Oh, then why do you have all that makeup on?"
Hum, I guess I was in need of this challenge more than I thought.
My FJ1W challenge for this week is stocking the freezer with frozen meals that the family can reheat and eat when Daisy comes. Stay tuned because I'll be sharing some of our family's favorite recipes. Think easy, super yummy, and easy.


  1. Good for you! I was going to spoil myself last week. I guess having all new shows on TV kind of threw me. I guess I will try again.

  2. Love the pictures.
    And yes, if I actually get dressed and put my face on right away it makes it way easier to go somewhere.
    Looking forward to the recipes!

  3. When I was el-prego with Quinn and still working a patient (i worked at a doc's office) gave me the best advice ever. She told me to always spend a least 30 mins. everyday getting myself showered, hair done and make up on. The habit stuck and I always have better days when I have make up on.

  4. That is great! I think you should always take time to pamper yourself, especially when pregnant. I'm always in a better mood when I feel good about how I look.

  5. Oh man, I could not do this one especially 9 months preg. For me make up is reserved only for dates and Sundays.

  6. I'm taking a little break from playing tic tac toe with sidewalk chalk to come over and comment! You look very beautiful in your pictures. I know that wearing makeup every day would make me feel better about myself.

    And I'm really impressed that you feel like you will be able to make more dinners than just the one you eat each night. Good luck to you!

  7. MY recent makeup story?

    so Jeff and I have a date night coming up this one night, and as i drop him off for work i warn him that he better think of something freakin awesome for our date. he nods and kisses me goodbye.
    i get a phonecall from him in the middle of the day. work is slow. i nag him AGAIN to think of something spectacular for our date that night, "yeah, sure... i will get to that..." he said.
    and then.
    then i put Charlie down for a nap and i DID MYSELF UP REAL GOOD. and i picked up Jeff from work.
    and then, ONLY THEN, did he really wish he had an awesome date idea.

    it kinda made me wanna look that hot every day so i could get him that chivalrous on a daily basis.

    but just for the record, i think you are HAWT molls.

  8. On this one, I admit to having mixed feelings. I do feel good when I have make-up on, but at the same time, it makes me feel like I need to get out of the house (is that weird?) That is not a great thing for me always because then I end up spending money. So...I'm messed up or something lol! But you gotta do what you gotta do when you're pregnant to feel good. Love ya!
