Monday, September 21

FJ1W - Accomplished

Remember how I took Erin's challenge and promised to smile more For Just One Week?
Well, I did and it felt pretty darn happy. Sometimes I had to remind myself, "Smile. Right now." and an instant wave of happiness would slap me in the face and I would really confuse my kids and husband. Double the fun.

Monday: We are a fish kind of pet family. After serving a mission for our church in London, England Olen has "issues" with hairy pets in the house. Sidetrack: Over there they have really hairy dogs in each and every house (according to the stories I've been told). I picture that big fluffy sheep dog in the Warner Brother Looney Toons cartoon that is always keeping that Wile E. Coyote out of the sheep pen. Well, these really hairy dogs are everywhere in the house and so is their hair. After politely eating many a meal peppered with dog hair, Olen is absolute on not having a pet with hair in the house. Not even a hamster. I tried, and begged, but no budging on this one. So, we are a fish kind of pet family. We finally got some new fish for our new house and this made everyone smile.

Tuesday: A day of little consequence. I spent most of the morning and afternoon preparing boxes of my kids' old clothes to send to Mexico for humanitarian efforts. When Olen came home, he showed up with one of these just for yours truly and for no reason at all. When he walked in the door I said, "What a happy surprise! Oh, wait while I get the camera!" So he did.

Wednesday: I turned my kitchen into a peach production plant. Boiling, pealing, slicing and storing. Now our peaches are safely preserved and I have one less box in my house. London was my helper, mostly at eating the peaches, but I love that she wants to help. I smiled till the last dish was washed.

Thursday: I took a step closer to understanding our new ward. I went visiting teaching. We really loved our ward in Little Big Town and the adjustment to the different dynamics of our new ward hasn't been an easy one for me. However, I re-learned an important lesson; our Heavenly Father loves us all, no matter what stage of life we're in, and we all just need the chance to make a friend. It was a happy re-discovery.

Friday: We went again to visit Olen's daddy at the Tucson hospital where he's being tended to after major heart surgery. He took a turn for the worst last week and had us all worried, but is now slowly improving and his renovated heart is beating stronger everyday. We all smiled this day. And of course, I already told you about the pit stop along the way.

I liked this FJ1W. I think I'll keep it up.

Now for next week's FJ1W: Get fully ready for the day every morning (I'm talking the basics here; getting dressed, in something other than Olen's pajamas, and make-up - I've been slacking to say the least). When London says to me, "I wanna go! I wanna go!" just because I'm dressed and wearing lip stick, there's a problem.
How 'bout you? What are you doing For Just One Week?


  1. Love that new FJ1W. For a while, I had a post it note next to the light switch for a while that said, "Get Dressed and pray." The first time my husband noticed it, he looked at me funny and said, "You need to remind yourself to get dressed?"

    Yep, that's the way it goes sometimes. Good luck!

  2. Ha Ha, if it makes you feel any better, for a while, EVERY time I got dressed my kids ask me where we were going, now it's just when I put on makeup, sad nonetheless :)

  3. HAHAHA I like that you're attempting to understand that ward.

  4. I love that you took a picture of the ice cream! I think I am always writing my next blog entry in my head :)

  5. When I was 12 and begging my Mom to wear make-up she made me promise if I started wearing make-up I would make sure I got up and got dressed everyday and put my make-up on. Of course I promised and she went with me and I got make-up. I have kept that promise most days, even if I shower, put my make-up on and put on a clean pair of jammies. That totally counts.

  6. Yay, what a great week for you! Next week I'm going to try to do one of those McLinky things if you want to link up. You are awesome!

  7. I'm so not good at making goals for just one week. But I like reading about your's! (Could that count? Except that I already read your posts, so probably not).
    Good thing I already had a twisty soft serve cone or I might have had to run out and get one right away. Olen is a stud, that's just awesome.

  8. My FJ1W is going to be totally selfish. I am going to do something that is just for and about me each day this week. I hope to be a nicer person in the end. Oh and ICK on the dog hair. o.O

  9. it pays to live in the ghetto, just to have dairy queen so close. i love dipped ice cream cones.
