Wednesday, September 16

Good Word Wednesday: It tastes like fall

Fall is in the air people. Take yesterday for example, our high was like only 100 degrees! Time to air out the jackets and sweaters, we're practically right around the corner from Christmas. Ok, maybe not, but let this Arizona girl have a moment to pretend.

My Utah peaches came in last week and the box don't lie; they really are "delicious and sweet". I've been waiting all summer for them to arrive. When peaches started showing up in the farmer's market I tried a few, but they just aren't the same as the Utah fruit I've been craving. I've been on a peach overdose around here and I think I'm ready to actually make something with them today instead of eating them by the juicy handful. Jam, pie filling, peach shakes and peach cobbler are a few of my ideas. We'll see how many I have left once I get started; these luscious gems of Mother Nature are too good to eat just one (whoa, don't get drool on your keyboard).

If my baby is born with blond fuzzy hair, we may have a nickname picked out for her...


  1. When I start to think about Halloween costumes! I started to make them yesterday and they are going to be AWESOME!

    Also when I have the urge to listen to Christmas music and want to play it on the piano. I think it a
    hereditary (sp?) thing to listen to Christmas music two and a half months early.

  2. Peaches are my favorite fruit and I have not been able to find a good peach compared to Utah fruit! :)

    It is fall to me when I can have the windows and doors open until lunch time... that is when it starts for me! And baby, we are in it! :)

    Happy fall - it is my favorite season by far. :)

  3. Fall starts for me when I can actually get in my car without needing the AC on ASAP!

  4. Hmmmmm...when is it fall for me? When I don't heat or AC....still waiting...I think we will hit 90 or so today. When the sun sets earlier and earlier. Now this is kind of lame, but today at Wal-mart I saw a twin pack of febreeze that promised the smells of fall (autumn spice) I bet it smells sooo good. I almost bought it. I love the smell of a pumpkin candle. Yum.

  5. I used to know when it was fall but that cool crisp feel that would come to the air.. but haven't had that for several years now. I think now I know when school is starting, football starts and when it is time to get pants out. I do sometimes miss four true seasons.

  6. I now have a huge craving for some waistline thanks you!

  7. I love it! I was for sure Adele was going to come out looking like Anne Geddes watermellon baby!
