Friday, September 18

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Friday.

I went through a clock collecting phase. I had to stop because I was running out of room on my walls and the tick-tick-tocking was driving me a little crazy. This is why none of these clocks have batteries installed plus I like the way they all tell a different time.
The cool thing about collecting something is that people catch on and want to help you grow your collection. This clock was a gift from my sister-in-law, it's from Russia and weighs about thirty pounds. Porter thought that Russians didn't know how to tell time very well because they only painted four numbers on the face.
I have clocks around my house that do get used for function as well as fashion.
And clocks that don't even have motors, that I just really really like.
I had the bulk of my collection displayed downstairs in the basement of our last house and once on the wall, I never really noticed them again. As I hung each piece in this new house I was remembering what boutique or Wal-mart I bought that clock at, or who it was that gave me this clock. Two of my clocks that I bought shortly after Porter was born, one from e-bay and one from a sandwich shop that was going out of business, became even more special to me as I noticed what was written across their faces.

See what I mean?Photobucket
I'm turning my collection status back to active now because I see my set isn't complete. Have you ever seen a clock that says Porter on it? I'm back in the market.


  1. That is so cool that they have their names on the clocks! I will definitely keep an eye out for ya. You have some really awesome clocks in that collection I must say.

  2. I have never seen anyone with a clock collection before. I like it. I will keep my eyes open for a Porter clock

  3. I might have to start a collection like that. I have the perfect wall for it and it looks so cool.

  4. When my mother in law gets wind of a collection that you have started, she will go out of her way to find the most unique item in your collection. Mine was cows, I have many interesting cows. Haha. Now I am into snow globes.

  5. I love clocks too! I just got an awesome tick tock clock at Hobby Lobby. That place is devilish!
