Wednesday, September 2

Good Word Wednesday

How To Be An All Star In The Kitchen 101

This recipe was given to me by my sister-in-law and has become dinner over at our house many times. The first time I made this chicken pot pie from "scratch" my crowd was so impressed by my culinary skills (duh) I didn't let on that all I did was cook some chicken and open a few cans. I was a kitchen all star and here's how you can be too:

Chicken Pot Pie

Here's what you'll need:

Lay out the bottom layer of crust. In a mixing bowl combine the chicken (cooked), soup and veggies (if using fresh, cook them first or you're in for a long bake time). Pour all that into the pie crust. It will look like this:

Put the top layer of crust on and flute the edges for that extra special Mrs. Clever touch. Learning how to pinch the edges of a pie is one of my earliest cooking lesson memories from Mamasita Bonita; she was a good teacher, no? Don't forget venting holes to allow steam to escape.

Bake at 415 degrees until it looks like this. It could take up to 45 minutes, so plan accordingly.
Then dig in and sit back. Praises are not far behind, I promise.

I have a friend who has coined a term for things like this: Pretend Fancy. I love this phrase and use it to describe way more than food in my life. Who doesn't want a little pretend fancy in their lives, anyways? So, do you have a pretend fancy recipe that looks like a million bucks but is actually embarrassingly easy? What makes you a Kitchen All Star?


  1. Hmmmm...I am sure there is something I make that is pretend fancy. I still can not figure out how to pinch the pie crusts! My mom has shown me several times. Anyway, I will have to try this recipe. It sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Oh that looks good! I will have to think about it and get back to you on my pretend fancy... and that reminds me I actually need to plan a menu for some meals before I go shopping :)

  3. I love this recipe because it's one of those meals that the hubby says "WOW!"
    But I have recently upgraded my recipe, use puff pastry instead of regular pie crust. It comes out a little lighter and is OHH SOOOO YUMMY!

  4. Oh I am definitely going to try this one! You know I love a pretend fancy!
    One of the fanciest pretend dishes I make on the fly is to buy that tub of pre-made cheesecake filling by the philly cream cheese people and then put it into those tiny graham cracker crusts (they are individual size) and layer the cheese cake filling and then lemon pie filling on top that you can get in a can. If I'm feeling extra fancy I'll also top it with whipped cream and a raspberry. Looks professional, tastes delicious, super duper easy. :) I loved the song too bytheway, just what I needed.

  5. There is no way I'm going to pretend to be a kitchen star, cause even with a theatre degree I can't fake that one, but I AM definitely going to start using the term pretend fancy! Love it!

  6. This is MY recipe! Only I use two cans. about 1/4 cup of milk. Half a packet of chicken gravy mix. And fresh carrots & frozen peas. -No corn.

    Everyone loves it!

  7. P.S. I'm mega jealous of your fluting skills. Very nice.
