Wednesday, September 23

Good Word Wednesday: A Spoonful of Sugar

You know on that one movie where the parents start acting a little odd(er) and then the winds change direction and blow all the extra nannies and anything in the street away, and the kids are looking out their bedroom window wondering what is going on down there, and then here comes the person they've all been waiting for; Mary Poppins, drifting down carring a parrot-handled umbrella. Well, that's what it's like. That's what it feels like right now.
The weather has changed directions, the winds have started blowing and there is a definite new feeling in the air. Any day (okay, any week actually) I expect Miss. Daisy should be drifting down.

How great would it be if she could drift from the sky on a parrot-handled umbrella. But if she can't drift from the sky, scrap the parrot-handled umbrella idea.
My Good Word for this Wednesday: Nesting
Just going ga-ga making these dolled-up onesies.


  1. So cute! I can't believe how fast your pregnancy has gone (of course, this is coming from someone in Utah). I can't wait to see what the wind brings. I'm guessing she will be adorable and sleep like an angel. :)

  2. Holy heifer that is a super cute onesie did someone make it for you?!

  3. Katie; garsh, thanks.
    Made by yours truly! :)

  4. I hope she floats down soon. Dang you moving away and I won't get to see your perfect baby.

  5. That is darling.
    I just ventured into...stitching things.
    O.k., just one thing at enrichment meeting, and I didn't finish it.
    I just stuck it in a drawer, and I visit it periodically wondering if I should just trash it.
    But, I now know I can stitch.
    If I wanted to.
    Maybe I'll just let it be your thing.

  6. I'm so excited for you. Envious really. I still have (what I'm estimating) like 9 weeks or so. I hear you on the getting crafty thing, I'm just itching to start making her rag quilt and a bunch of burp rags.

  7. That is super cute! Nesting? Is it getting close?
