Wednesday, September 30

Wordless Wednesday: Multi-Tasking

My Good Word for this Wednesday is: Joyous Anniversary

Good Word Wednesday has been around for a whole year now. My idea grew from council received this time last year by a man I dearly love to find "joy in the journey" . This advice came at a time in my life where I was sure on a journey, but there was very little joy to be found at first glance. So I decided I better start finding it on my own.

Once I started looking for joy along the way, I always seemed to find it. I thought if my discovery of joy could be so cheerful to me, maybe we all could just jot down what kind of simple happiness we've uncovered in our lives once a week and keep multiplying the love. Through out this past year, this day of good words has been a highlight of my week.

Thank you for being such a huge part of the joy in my journey.

Monday, September 28

FJ1W: I feel pretty! Oh, so pretty!

You're staring into the guts of my "great and spacious" make-up box.
It's actually a tackle box that I just found a better use for.

So last week I gave myself the FJ1W challenge of getting fully ready for the day, whether I was going out or not. I decided that as long as my face was on, getting dressed in a pair of Olen's clean p.j.s was a-ok. See, this way I could still be comfortable, but answer the door in full confidence because of my perfectly applied mascara. I think I probably saved myself some time by getting dolled up in the morning because when I needed to go out at any other time of the day I was already 50% ready to go. The first couple of days Porter commented as I picked him up from school, "Where did you go today?"
"Nowhere. London and I rearranged her room today."
"Oh, then why do you have all that makeup on?"
Hum, I guess I was in need of this challenge more than I thought.
My FJ1W challenge for this week is stocking the freezer with frozen meals that the family can reheat and eat when Daisy comes. Stay tuned because I'll be sharing some of our family's favorite recipes. Think easy, super yummy, and easy.

Friday, September 25

A Funny Thing Happend On The Way To Friday: Just Taking Care of Business

Because feet have feelings, too.

Wednesday, September 23

Good Word Wednesday: A Spoonful of Sugar

You know on that one movie where the parents start acting a little odd(er) and then the winds change direction and blow all the extra nannies and anything in the street away, and the kids are looking out their bedroom window wondering what is going on down there, and then here comes the person they've all been waiting for; Mary Poppins, drifting down carring a parrot-handled umbrella. Well, that's what it's like. That's what it feels like right now.
The weather has changed directions, the winds have started blowing and there is a definite new feeling in the air. Any day (okay, any week actually) I expect Miss. Daisy should be drifting down.

How great would it be if she could drift from the sky on a parrot-handled umbrella. But if she can't drift from the sky, scrap the parrot-handled umbrella idea.
My Good Word for this Wednesday: Nesting
Just going ga-ga making these dolled-up onesies.

Tuesday, September 22

I was in the kitchen preparing dinner while Porter sat behind me at the table doing homework and London colored. Port would ask me for answers, that I wouldn't give, while I assembled the tortilla soup.
Olen came home and the kids shouted in unison, "Daddy's home!"
I turned from the stove top to give Olen the ceremonial welcome home kiss and heard Porter whisper to London:
"Whoa. Don't look back, LaLa. Mom and dad are kissing like a rated R movie."
Olen: "Yeah, alriigght!"
Me: "Uh, the soup is boiling over..."

Monday, September 21

FJ1W - Accomplished

Remember how I took Erin's challenge and promised to smile more For Just One Week?
Well, I did and it felt pretty darn happy. Sometimes I had to remind myself, "Smile. Right now." and an instant wave of happiness would slap me in the face and I would really confuse my kids and husband. Double the fun.

Monday: We are a fish kind of pet family. After serving a mission for our church in London, England Olen has "issues" with hairy pets in the house. Sidetrack: Over there they have really hairy dogs in each and every house (according to the stories I've been told). I picture that big fluffy sheep dog in the Warner Brother Looney Toons cartoon that is always keeping that Wile E. Coyote out of the sheep pen. Well, these really hairy dogs are everywhere in the house and so is their hair. After politely eating many a meal peppered with dog hair, Olen is absolute on not having a pet with hair in the house. Not even a hamster. I tried, and begged, but no budging on this one. So, we are a fish kind of pet family. We finally got some new fish for our new house and this made everyone smile.

Tuesday: A day of little consequence. I spent most of the morning and afternoon preparing boxes of my kids' old clothes to send to Mexico for humanitarian efforts. When Olen came home, he showed up with one of these just for yours truly and for no reason at all. When he walked in the door I said, "What a happy surprise! Oh, wait while I get the camera!" So he did.

Wednesday: I turned my kitchen into a peach production plant. Boiling, pealing, slicing and storing. Now our peaches are safely preserved and I have one less box in my house. London was my helper, mostly at eating the peaches, but I love that she wants to help. I smiled till the last dish was washed.

Thursday: I took a step closer to understanding our new ward. I went visiting teaching. We really loved our ward in Little Big Town and the adjustment to the different dynamics of our new ward hasn't been an easy one for me. However, I re-learned an important lesson; our Heavenly Father loves us all, no matter what stage of life we're in, and we all just need the chance to make a friend. It was a happy re-discovery.

Friday: We went again to visit Olen's daddy at the Tucson hospital where he's being tended to after major heart surgery. He took a turn for the worst last week and had us all worried, but is now slowly improving and his renovated heart is beating stronger everyday. We all smiled this day. And of course, I already told you about the pit stop along the way.

I liked this FJ1W. I think I'll keep it up.

Now for next week's FJ1W: Get fully ready for the day every morning (I'm talking the basics here; getting dressed, in something other than Olen's pajamas, and make-up - I've been slacking to say the least). When London says to me, "I wanna go! I wanna go!" just because I'm dressed and wearing lip stick, there's a problem.
How 'bout you? What are you doing For Just One Week?

Saturday, September 19

Don't Blink Or You'll Miss It.

On the way to Tucson, at the base of Picacho Peak, there is a little shack off the side of the road and a couple hundred acres of land.
We stop by about once a year and pay to feed their animals because it is totally worth it.
We start slow and feed the deer. London only liked to feed the deer that looked like "deer mammas". Porter went after the ones with the largest antlers.
Then the ostriches. They are a little intense and London didn't want anything to do with them. Porter would give each dish a little food and watch them go crazy. Olen was daring and fed them with his bare hand. This turned out to be a mistake.
The donkeys are new this year. They were very mellow and a little slimy, but very friendly. We used most of our grain on the ostriches, so we didn't have much to feed the donkeys but they were sweet and let us pet them just the same.
The lorikeets are my favorite. Olen got bit right away from a hungry lorikeet and he was done with birds for the day, so I put him on camera duty while the kids and I fed these greedy birds their nectar. The only thing to remember is that the lorikeets have quick digestive systems and so you want to let them have their snack and then stand back.

Friday, September 18

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Friday.

I went through a clock collecting phase. I had to stop because I was running out of room on my walls and the tick-tick-tocking was driving me a little crazy. This is why none of these clocks have batteries installed plus I like the way they all tell a different time.
The cool thing about collecting something is that people catch on and want to help you grow your collection. This clock was a gift from my sister-in-law, it's from Russia and weighs about thirty pounds. Porter thought that Russians didn't know how to tell time very well because they only painted four numbers on the face.
I have clocks around my house that do get used for function as well as fashion.
And clocks that don't even have motors, that I just really really like.
I had the bulk of my collection displayed downstairs in the basement of our last house and once on the wall, I never really noticed them again. As I hung each piece in this new house I was remembering what boutique or Wal-mart I bought that clock at, or who it was that gave me this clock. Two of my clocks that I bought shortly after Porter was born, one from e-bay and one from a sandwich shop that was going out of business, became even more special to me as I noticed what was written across their faces.

See what I mean?Photobucket
I'm turning my collection status back to active now because I see my set isn't complete. Have you ever seen a clock that says Porter on it? I'm back in the market.

Wednesday, September 16

Good Word Wednesday: It tastes like fall

Fall is in the air people. Take yesterday for example, our high was like only 100 degrees! Time to air out the jackets and sweaters, we're practically right around the corner from Christmas. Ok, maybe not, but let this Arizona girl have a moment to pretend.

My Utah peaches came in last week and the box don't lie; they really are "delicious and sweet". I've been waiting all summer for them to arrive. When peaches started showing up in the farmer's market I tried a few, but they just aren't the same as the Utah fruit I've been craving. I've been on a peach overdose around here and I think I'm ready to actually make something with them today instead of eating them by the juicy handful. Jam, pie filling, peach shakes and peach cobbler are a few of my ideas. We'll see how many I have left once I get started; these luscious gems of Mother Nature are too good to eat just one (whoa, don't get drool on your keyboard).

If my baby is born with blond fuzzy hair, we may have a nickname picked out for her...

Tuesday, September 15

Molly's Rule of Life #46

Practice doesn't always make perfect, and that's just fine. Keep practicing anyways.

Monday, September 14

FJ1W- take two

Last week London started asking me: "You happy Mamma or are you mad?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm happy."
"Ok, laugh like me! Laugh like this." Then she does her most hearty high-pitched laugh.
I put my hands on my tummy and laugh like Santa Claus.
She looks at me suspiciously, then finds my laugh satisfactory and goes on her way.
She asks me to do this demonstration about five times a day.
Well, what gives? I really am happy, but I guess I'm just nearing those final weeks of pregnancy where I'm a little on edge, ya know. And I swear to die, if another man reaches to rub my tummy I'll have to use my angry-mommy voice on them and maybe rub 'em back. I'm not making this stuff up. Geesh, is that a story for another day.
So yeah, I'm a little sore and bump into things a lot and can't remember what I did yesterday, but I don't think I'm too grumpy. I asked Olen if I was acting grumpy and why he thought London needed this constant reassurance that she had a Happy Momma. He said I looked like I could use a foot rub (clever man) and then he told me that maybe I could smile a little more (now I get his plan). After I gave him a good jab in the ribs with my foot, I told him he's probably right and that I would start smiling more right now if he made that foot rub last twice as long.
So here's my For Just One Week challenge to myself: Smile.
Sounds simple enough, so I think I can fit it in. I commit to looking for things that make me smile, or at least laughing all on my own without being asked.

Sunday, September 13

A few days ago I made a batch of home made pop tarts (now don't get excited; they're just store bought pastry dough filled with a favorite jelly and finished off with a sprinkle of powdered sugar).

Porter licked the blackberry jam off his fingers, a never ending task until the whole tart is eaten, and said, "Mom, I sure love these. If you could make them everyday there would be a whole lot more yumminess in my life."
Then he went after the jam that just landed on his shirt.

Well, sure. Anything for a whole lot more yumminess...

Friday, September 11

Flashback Friday or A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Friday

It couldn't last forever. When you have twelve brothers and sisters, what are the chances that you'll all live in the same state forever? Slim, that's what.

Chris and Katie are moving at the end of the month to a place that gets all four seasons and trees with leaves that are a shade of green we don't grow here in Arizona. We needed one more happy hour before our big brother takes his family to the Rockies, so the married half of us twelve conjured at the sushi place to live it up for old time's sake.
Here's the night in pictures.

The sister that flew solo and made my night for coming.
The sister with the husband that's a good sport at trying things he doesn't like.
The sister that sometimes needs a brother's gentle reminder that when we want everyone together that means she's gotta be there too, or it ain't no party.
The newlyweds that taught me how to mix wasabi in my soy sauce for that extra wow. Wowsabi.
The cute guy with the adorable dimples that sat across from me. I think I'm in love.
The pregnant sister that had to take it easy on the raw fish factor (hence crab roll) but has almost mastered the skill of chop sticks.
The brother and his wife that will be missed.

Wednesday, September 9

Good Word Wednesday

How To Be A Kitchen All Star 101

Cinnamon Rolls
I can't even remember where I got this recipe from, or who gave it to me, and I think I've even changed a few things here and there. I've had it for forever and use it often because it's one of those super-easy-no-fail-good-every-time kind of recipes. Really you can't goof it up, because even ugly cinnamon rolls go great with a tall glass of cold milk.
Here's the how to.
Proof these three ingredients together for 15 minutes in small bowl:
4 T warm water
1 T sugar
1 T yeast
In medium to large bowl combine:
1 c milk
1 egg, beaten
4 T melted butter
Proofed yeast mixture
Add to wet ingredients and mix on medium speed for three minutes:
1 package (3.5 oz) vanilla instant pudding mix
1 1/2 c flour
1/2 t salt
Slowly add enough flour to form a solid dough:
About 2 1/2 c flour

Let dough rise in bowl covered with towel for one hour. The dough may not completely double in size in one hour and that's OK, don't worry, it's good to go in about an hour.
Roll out dough as thin or as thick as you like. Note: The thinner you roll out, the more layers in your finished roll.

Spread with:
1 c softened butter
1 c brown sugar
1 (3.5 oz) package of vanilla instant pudding mix

Roll dough into log form and using a piece of thread or dental floss slice in 1 inch rolls. Place on cookie sheet sprayed with your favorite non-stick cooking spray. Let rest for 15 or 20 minutes while your oven heats up to 350 degrees.

While rolls are baking prepare your frosting. In a mixing bowl combine:
3/4 to 1 c softened butter
powdered sugar
1 t vanilla

I'm never quite sure how much milk or powdered sugar goes into my frosting, I just keep going until I have the quantity and consistency I'm looking for. So if you've never made frosting before, use a little at a time and take it slow.
Take the rolls out of the oven and frost right away or wait a while (if you can) and just make sure to frost while still warm.

VARIATION: For the BEST lemon rolls change out both vanilla instant puddings for lemon flavor instant puddings and omit the cinnamon. Instead of adding vanilla in your frosting add a very small splash of lemon extract or go for the real stuff and add 2 T lemon zest. (This is actually the way I made them in the pictures below. I went overboard with my lemon extract and the frosting was on the tart side, so I used only half the frosting I usually would on the finished rolls.)

Don't wait for a rainy day to give these Queen Of All Comfort Foods a try. These rolls seem to stay softer longer, even if baked slightly passed the golden brown stage, and the pudding in the middle makes them so gooey and perfectly sweet.

My good word for this Wednesday: Carbs covered in frosting. Man, do I love 'em. Pass the milk.

Tuesday, September 8

Labor-free Labor Day

Even with an extra day thrown in, this weekend went by way too fast. Saturday Olen was out of town for work and the weather was just so lovely that the kids and I stuck around the house watching movies and baking cinnamon rolls (I have a killer recipe, I'll give it to you tomorrow).

Sunday involved a much needed recharge of the spiritual batteries and then dropping the minors off with Nana and Papa so Olen and I could drive to Tucson and visit his pops, Billy Ray, in the hospital down there. He's recovering from heart surgery and children under twelve years aren't allowed in. We plan on taking them later this week when dad is on a new level and the kids won't wake the neighbors.

On the way home from Tucson Olen and I made ambitious plans for our day home together, Labor Day. We decided to wake up early and have a great breakfast then head over to the in-laws and mow the lawns and I noticed the rose bushes needed trimming and Porter and London could go to the garden to do the weeding. A little service project to start the day, right? Then we would come back to our house and do our own yard work and try to better organize the storage shed we built a month ago. Such wonderful hopes and good intentions. Instead we all slept in till nine o'clock and didn't do anything productive with our morning unless you count eating breakfast. Good thing we had made plans for the afternoon, or else I would have been content to stay home and rearrange pictures and sort through baby girl clothes all day.

After a very lazy and low key morning we headed back to our old stomping grounds of Little Big Town and joined family at the arena for some BBQ and horseback riding. We made homemade root beer (one of my most favorite things in this world) and grilled meat and rode the ponies, got a few bug bites and had a great time.

Oh home made root beer, it's magical.

Auntie Aubrey came with us to the arena and got her cowgirl on.

London getting to know her ride, Snickers.

This is how a boy says yee-haw.

This is how a girl says yee-haw.

London and I went in to check on the grub and Porter and Aubrey stayed till the sun set.

Gotta go now, Olen will be back from mowing his parent's lawn soon and I promised to be ready and show him how I want the storage shed done...